LD 947
pg. 2
Page 1 of 5 An Act To Create the Cable Television Franchise Board Page 3 of 5
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LR 1345
Item 1

1.__Board established.__The Cable Television Franchise
Board, referred to in this chapter as "the board," is
established to oversee and regulate the franchising of cable
television companies.

2.__Membership; appointment.__The board consists of the
following 7 members, appointed by the Governor and subject to
review by the joint standing committee of the Legislature
having jurisdiction over utilities and to confirmation by the

A.__Two members of the public;

B.__One member representing the education community;

C.__One member representing a statewide community
television association;

D.__One member representing a statewide municipal
government organization;

E.__One member representing municipalities with
populations greater than 15,000; and

F.__One member representing municipalities with
populations less than 15,000.

3.__Terms.__Members of the board serve 3-year terms, except
that, initially 3 members serve 3-year terms, 2 members serve
2-year terms and 2 members to serve 1-year terms.__A member is
eligible for reappointment upon completion of any term on the
board.__A member may continue to serve beyond the end of the
member's term until a successor is appointed and qualified.__
Any vacancy must be filled by appointment for the unexpired
portion of the term.

4.__Chair.__The board annually shall select a chair from
among its members.__The board shall meet at the call of the
chair, but no less than once every 3 months.

5.__Compensation.__Members of the board receive compensation
as provided in Title 5, section 12004-G, subsection 5-A.

6.__Powers and duties.__The board shall:

A.__Establish by rule a uniform procedure for
municipalities to follow in granting franchises to cable
television companies:

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