LD 945
pg. 3
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LR 1016
Item 1

1.__Confidentiality.__Except as provided in this section,
prescription monitoring information submitted to the department
is confidential and is not a public record as defined in Title
1, section 402, subsection 3.

2.__Review of information.__The department shall review the
prescription monitoring information. If the department has a
reasonable suspicion that a violation of law, administrative
rule or professional standards by any person may have
occurred, the department shall notify the prescriber, the
dispenser and the applicable professional licensing entity and
provide all relevant prescription monitoring information to
those persons and entities.

3.__Permissible disclosure of information.__The department
may provide prescription monitoring information for public
research, policy or education purposes as long as all
information reasonably likely to reveal the patient or other
person who is the subject of the information has been removed.

4.__Access to information. The following persons may access
prescription monitoring information:

A.__A prescriber, insofar as the information relates to a
patient under the prescriber's care;

B.__A dispenser, insofar as the information relates to a
customer of the dispenser seeking to have a prescription

C.__The executive director, or a board investigator as
designated by each board, of the state boards of licensure
of podiatric medicine, dentistry, pharmacy, medicine,
osteopathy, veterinary, nursing or other boards
representing health care disciplines whose licensees are
prescribers, as required for an investigation;

D.__A patient to whom a prescription is written, insofar
as the information relates to that patient; and

E.__Department personnel or personnel of any vendor or
contractor, as necessary for establishing and maintaining
the system.

§13826.__Unlawful acts and penalties

1.__Failure to submit information.__A dispenser who
knowingly fails to submit prescription monitoring information
to the department as required by this subchapter is subject to

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