LD 889
pg. 7
Page 6 of 7 An Act To Establish a State Single-payor Health Insurance Plan LD 889 Title Page
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LR 253
Item 1

increases; elimination of sales tax exemptions and
exclusions; establishment of a payroll or other tax
dedicated to funding the plan; and other options proposed
by the board or the Legislature; and

E.__Payments by tobacco product manufacturers to the State
in settlement of claims brought against them by the State.


1.__Annual report.__By January 1st of each year, the board
shall submit to the Governor and to the Legislature an annual
report of the agency's operations and activities during the
previous year and the funding, tax and budget status of the

2.__Public information.__The board may publish and
disseminate information helpful to the citizens of this State
in making informed choices in obtaining health care in
conjunction with the Bureau of Health.

Sec. 3. Report. By January 1, 2004, the Health Security Board
shall report to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over human services matters on
options for coordination of the Maine Single-payor Health Care
Plan with other health care plans and options for the Maine
Single-payor Health Care Plan to take over coverage of some
persons on those other health care plans, with the plans to
take effect January 1, 2005.


This bill establishes the Maine Single-payor Health Care
Plan. It establishes the Agency of Health Security as an
independent agency to administer the plan. Under the plan,
enrollees choose their own health care providers and the plan
pays their bills. Coverage under the plan is supplemental to
other coverage. The bill requires a report from the Health
Security Board to the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over human services matters on
the options for coordination of the plan with other health
care plans and for the plan to take over coverage of some
persons covered by those health care plans. The bill requires
an annual report from the board to the Governor and the
Legislature on the operation and activities of the plan.

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