LD 887
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act To Amend the Maine "Lemon Law" LD 887 Title Page
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LR 1367
Item 1


This bill eliminates the laws that allow automobile
manufacturers or their agents or dealers to deduct an
allowance for mileage from the amount refunded to an
automobile owner who qualifies for a refund under the State's
"lemon law".

The bill also increases from one to five the number of
arbitrators that must be involved in a "lemon law" arbitration
process and requires that those arbitrators include a new car
dealer, someone experienced in automobile mechanics and three
public members.

The bill also adds a provision to the criteria that
establish when an automobile qualifies under the "lemon law"
that states that an automobile qualifies if it has multiple
problems that have not been successfully repaired after the
vehicle has been out of service for 15 or more business days
within the warranty term.

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