LD 886
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Require State Reimbursement When Laws or Rules Devalue Private Proper... LD 886 Title Page
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LR 1456
Item 1

1.__Review of Legislature.__By January 15, 2004, the
Legislature shall review all state laws currently in effect to
identify laws that result in the devaluation of property.

2.__Review by departments; report.__By December 15, 2003,
each department and agency of the State shall review the laws
and rules it administers to identify laws and rules that
result in the devaluation of property.__By January 15, 2004,
each department and agency shall submit a written report to
the Legislature of all the laws and rules identified that
result in the devaluation of property.

3.__Notification.__By March 1, 2004, the Legislature shall
notify all owners of the laws and rules that have been
identified as resulting in the devaluation of property.


1.__Implementation of regulation.__This Act applies to every
devaluation of property that results from an implementation of
a regulation that occurs on or after the effective date of
this Act.

2.__Regulation in effect prior to chapter.__For purposes of
determining the right to relief and the statute of limitations
under this chapter, a regulation in effect on the effective
date of this chapter is deemed to have been passed on the
effective date of this chapter.


This bill requires the State to pay a property owner when
state regulations lower the owner's property value by at least

This bill also requires the Legislature and all departments
and agencies to review and identify laws and rules that result
in the devaluation of property. The Legislature must notify
all property owners of such laws and rules.

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