LD 881
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Allow the Buyback of Active Duty Military Time for Maine State Retire... LD 881 Title Page
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LR 1047
Item 1

(1) Applies to all persons, active or retired, but, for
those already retired, the effective date of any
adjustment shall may not be not earlier than the date
on which the time or credit is certified to the
retirement system; and

(2) Does not apply to any member who begins membership
on or after January 1, 1976.

Sec. 7. 5 MRSA §18360, sub-§2, ķI, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 114, §6,
is amended to read:

I. A member who fails to meet one or more of the terms
and conditions required under paragraphs A, and D and E
may purchase service credit as provided in this paragraph.
The member must have at least 5 years of creditable
service and, before any retirement benefit becomes
effective for that member, must pay into the Members'
Contribution Fund, by a single direct payment or annual
direct payments to the retirement system, an amount that,
together with regular interest on that amount, is the
actuarial equivalent, at the effective date of the
retirement benefit, of the portion of the retirement
benefit based on the additional creditable service.
Annual direct payments must be made in accordance with
section 17701, subsection 4. Any member who purchases
service credit under this paragraph who subsequently,
without inclusion of the purchased service credit and
prior to retirement, meets the terms and conditions of
paragraphs A, and D and E is entitled to purchase the
service credit under section 18311, subsection 2 and to
receive a refund of the amount paid under this paragraph
that exceeds the cost to purchase the service credit under
section 18311.


Public Law 2001, chapter 114 enacted an exception to the law
to allow members of the Maine State Retirement System who
didn't have the necessary service during a "federally
recognized period of conflict" to buy back service credit for
service in the United States Armed Forces by paying the
actuarial cost of the portion of the retirement benefit based
on the additional creditable service. This bill instead
merely removes the requirement that members seeking to buy
back service credit for service in the United States Armed
Forces have served in a federally recognized period of
conflict to be eligible to purchase military service credit.

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