LD 858
pg. 8
Page 7 of 13 An Act To Establish a Municipal Affordable Housing Development District Tax Inc... Page 9 of 13
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LR 787
Item 1

recreation centers, athletic fields and swimming
pools; and

(9)__Costs for child care, including finance costs
and construction, staffing, training, certification
and accreditation costs related to child care located
in the affordable housing development district; and

B.__Costs of improvements that are made outside the
affordable housing development district but are directly
related to or are made necessary by the establishment or
operation of the district, including, but not limited to:

(1)__That portion of the costs reasonably related to
the construction, alteration or expansion of any
facilities not located within the district that are
required due to improvements or activities within the
district, including, but not limited to, sewage
treatment plants, water treatment plants or other
environmental protection devices; storm or sanitary
sewer lines; water lines; electrical lines;
improvements to fire stations; and amenities on

(2)__Costs of public safety improvements made
necessary by the establishment of the district;

(3)__Costs of funding to mitigate any adverse impact
of the district upon the municipality and its
constituents. This funding may be used for public
facilities and improvements; and

(4)__Costs to establish permanent housing development
revolving loan funds or investment funds.

2.__Limitation.__Tax increments received from any affordable
housing development program may not be used to circumvent
other tax laws.

§5250. Procedure

1.__Notice and hearing.__Before designating an affordable
housing development district or adopting an affordable housing
development program, the municipal legislative body or the
municipal legislative body's designee must hold at least one
public hearing on the proposed district. Notice of the hearing
must be published at least 10 days before the hearing in a
newspaper of general circulation within the municipality.

2.__Review by director.__Before final designation of an
affordable housing development district, the director shall

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