LD 803
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Ensure the Rights of Host Communities Regarding the Construction and ... Page 3 of 3
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LR 807
Item 1

administrative costs related to the application for
and presence of a solid waste disposal facility
located within the municipality.__The balance of the
proceeds in trust must be kept as a reserve in case of
a potential accident or failure of the solid waste
disposal facility; and

(4) Other issues determined on a case-specific basis
by the applicant and municipality to be appropriate
given the nature of the proposed facility.

The department shall adopt rules concerning the
expenditure of funds made available to a municipality
under the provisions of subparagraph (3) to ensure that
funds are used to provide direct technical support to the
municipality necessary for the conduct of municipal
planning and decision making.

Sec. 2. 38 MRSA §2156-A, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1999, c. 736, §1,
is further amended to read:

2. Recommendation for development. When the office finds
that the licensed and available disposal capacity within the
State for municipal solid waste or special waste resides
primarily in one facility or that 4 years or less of licensed
and available disposal capacity for municipal solid waste or
special waste remains within the State, it shall submit a
report recommending the construction and operation of a state-
owned solid waste disposal facility for the disposal of the
type of waste for which capacity is needed to the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
natural resource matters. The report must recommend which
state agency or department will own the facility and how it
will be operated. The report must also include a review of
disposal options outside of the State; a review of existing
efforts to reduce, reuse, recycle, compost and incinerate the
affected municipal solid waste and special waste streams and
the impact of these efforts on capacity requirements; a
thorough economic analysis of the facility's expected costs;
and commitments from entities to utilize the facility and
projected revenues. It is the intent of the Legislature that
the facility be operated by a private contractor. A state-
owned solid waste disposal facility may not be constructed or
operated unless authorized by legislation pursuant to
subsection 3.

Sec. 3. State Planning Office search and report. The Executive Department,
State Planning Office shall search for geographically suitable
sites in the State, in addition to the Carpenter Ridge
facility, for additional capacity for disposal of municipal
solid waste or special waste that do not adversely

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