LD 782
pg. 7
Page 6 of 8 An Act To Require the Payment of Certain Costs Incurred by a Prevailing Party i... Page 8 of 8
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LR 83
Item 1

A.__Those fees are less than the reasonable attorney's
fees because an individual is representing the prevailing
party for no fee or for a fee that, taking into account
all the facts and circumstances, is no more than a nominal
fee; and

B.__The award is paid to that individual or that
individual's employer.

§108.__Application for award

A party seeking an award of fees and other expenses shall,
within 30 days of final judgment in the action, submit to the
court an application for fees and other expenses that shows:

1.__Prevailing party.__That the party is a prevailing party
and is eligible to receive an award under this chapter; and

2.__Amount sought.__The amount sought, including an itemized
statement from any attorney or expert witness representing or
appearing in behalf of the party stating the actual time
expended and the rate at which fees and other expenses were

The party also shall allege that the position of the bureau
or the State was not substantially justified.__The court shall
determine whether or not the position of the bureau or State
was substantially justified on the basis of the record,
including the record with respect to the action or failure to
act by the bureau upon which the civil action is based, which
record was made in the civil action for which fees and other
expenses are sought.

§109.__Determination as to prevailing party

A determination made under this chapter as to whether a
party is a prevailing party must be made by:

1.__Parties.__Agreement of the taxpayer and the bureau or

2.__Bureau.__In the case where the final determination with
respect to the tax, interest or penalty is made at the
administrative level, the bureau; or

3.__Court.__In the case where the final determination is
made by a court, the court.

§110.__Right of appeal

1.__Court proceedings.__An order granting or denying, in
whole or in part, an award for reasonable litigation or
administrative costs under section 106 in a court proceeding

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