LD 768
pg. 4
Page 3 of 4 An Act To Improve the Administration of the Baxter Compensation Program LD 768 Title Page
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LR 1171
Item 1

This bill also addresses the appeal process. It allows the
appeal board to affirm or increase a compensation award, but
prohibits a reduction in the amount awarded by the
compensation panel. The appeal board may consider records and
testimony presented to the compensation panel. It may also
accept oral and written arguments from the claimant in support
of the claim. If the claimant wants to present new
information on appeal, the appeal board will make a
determination on whether the new information is appropriate to
be considered in connection with the claim. If so, then the
appeal board must return the claim to the compensation panel
and order the compensation panel to reconsider the decision in
light of the new information.

Page 3 of 4 Top of Page LD 768 Title Page