LD 751
pg. 4
Page 3 of 6 An Act To Implement the Recommendations of the Legislative Youth Advisory Counc... Page 5 of 6
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LR 513
Item 1

2. Review procedures used by the Office of Substance Abuse
for awarding grants for youth-related drug and alcohol abuse
prevention programs and services to ensure that those grants
are being awarded to programs with the highest demonstrated
level of effectiveness and in those areas of the State having
the highest demonstrated need. The director shall report the
findings of that review to the Legislative Youth Advisory
Council, established in the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 3,
section 168-A, in the fall of 2003.

Sec. 6. Office of Substance Abuse and Department of Education; review of survey
support. The Director of the Office of Substance Abuse within
the Department of Behavioral and Developmental Services shall
review the office's procedures for preparing and training
teachers and others who administer the Maine Youth Drug and
Alcohol Use Survey in the schools to ensure that all persons
administering the survey are adequately prepared to perform
that task. The Director of the Office of Substance Abuse and
the Commissioner of Education shall, in coordination with
appropriate representatives of local school districts, develop
a plan for training and coordinating the administration of the
2004 Maine Youth Drug and Alcohol Use Survey, or any successor
survey, and present that plan to the Legislative Youth
Advisory Council, established in the Maine Revised Statutes,
Title 3, section 168-A, in the fall of 2003.

Sec. 7. Department of Education. The Commissioner of Education shall
review the Project ALERT program and other similar prevention
programs and prepare recommendations on the viability of those
programs as options to the Drug Abuse Resistance Education,
DARE, program in Maine schools. The commissioner shall
include a teacher training program as part of any recommended
option considered by the department. Options recommended by
the commissioner must be available statewide and available
through the system of learning results as an alternative to
the DARE program offered through the Maine State Police. The
commissioner shall present those recommendations to the
Legislative Youth Advisory Council, established in the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 3, section 168-A, in the fall of 2003.

Sec. 8. Review of Content Standards in system of learning results. As part of the
review of the content standards and performance indicators
required under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 20-A, section
6209, subsection 4, the Commissioner of Education shall
determine whether the content standards pertaining to health
and physical education adequately incorporate the principles
and goals of the alcohol and drug use policies for student
athletes as proposed in the 2002 report by the Youth Policy
and Empowerment Project. The commissioner shall propose
changes to those content standards

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