LD 713
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Support Health Care Safety Net Programs LD 713 Title Page
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LR 1689
Item 1

All Other$250,000$500,000


General Fund Total$250,000$500,000

Bureau of Health 0143

Initiative: Provides funds for a one-time grant to the Maine
Primary Care Association to evaluate the health care safety
net, focusing on health outcomes, cost avoidance and reducing
health care disparities.

General Fund2003-042004-05

All Other$250,000$0


General Fund Total$250,000$0



GENERAL FUND$3,300,000$3,750,000


DEPARTMENT TOTAL - ALL FUNDS$3,300,000$3,750,000

SECTION TOTALS2003-042004-05

GENERAL FUND$3,300,000$3,750,000


SECTION TOTAL - ALL FUNDS$3,300,000$3,750,000


This bill provides funding for the Bureau of Health, within
the Department of Human Services, to make grants to federally
qualified health centers, Indian Health Service - supported
centers and the Maine Primary Care Association to support
health care safety net programs. The additional funding is
offset by an increase in the cigarette tax from $1 to $1.05
per pack.

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