LD 653
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act To Repeal the Fingerprinting Requirement for Teachers and School Employe... LD 653 Title Page
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LR 508
Item 1

paragraph G must be transmitted immediately to the State Bureau
of Identification to enable the bureau to conduct state and
national criminal history record checks for the Department of
Education. The bureau may not use the fingerprints for any
purpose other than that provided for under Title 20-A, section
6103. The bureau shall retain the fingerprints, except as
provided under Title 20-A, section 6103, subsection 9.
Fingerprints taken pursuant to subsection 1, paragraph I must be
transmitted immediately to the State Bureau of Identification to
enable the bureau to conduct state and national criminal history
record checks for the court.

Sec. 12. 25 MRSA §1542-A, sub-§8, as amended by PL 1999, c. 260, Pt.
B, §16 and affected by §18, is further amended to read:

8. Fingerprint record forms. Fingerprints taken pursuant to
subsection 1, paragraphs paragraph A, paragraph B as to a
person arrested as a fugitive from justice and paragraph D and
subsection 5, paragraphs B, C and D must be taken on a form
furnished by the State Bureau of Identification, such form to
be known as the Criminal Fingerprint Record. Fingerprints
taken pursuant to subsection 1, paragraphs E, and F and G must
be taken on a form furnished by the bureau, such form to be
known as the Noncriminal Fingerprint Record. Fingerprints
taken pursuant to subsection 1, paragraphs paragraph B as to a
person taken into custody for a juvenile crime pursuant to a
uniform interstate compact on juveniles and paragraph H must
be taken on a form furnished by the State Bureau of
Identification, such form to be known as the Juvenile Crime
Fingerprint Record. Fingerprints taken pursuant to subsection
1, paragraph C or F must be taken upon the form appropriate
for that purpose.


This bill repeals the law requiring background checks and
fingerprinting of school employees. This bill also corrects
cross-references to the repealed provisions.

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