LD 645
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Provide Additional Financing for Costs Associated with the Remediatio... LD 645 Title Page
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LR 990
Item 1

in the fund as security for and the application of money in the
fund in payment of principal, interest and other amounts due on
insured loans. Money in the fund may be used for direct loans
or deferred loans for all or part of the costs of the Plymouth
waste oil site remedial study, past cost settlement,
implementation of institutional controls approved by the United
States Environmental Protection Agency to prevent use of
contaminated groundwater by nearby residents and time-critical
removal action costs when the authority determines that:

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the
preamble, this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill authorizes the Finance Authority of Maine to
provide interest-free loans to potentially responsible parties
for the cost of implementing institutional controls at the
federally designated Superfund site at Hows Corner in

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