LD 614
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Provide Parity in Lending by State-chartered Financial Institutions ... LD 614 Title Page
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LR 926
Item 1

consumers, shall give the mortgagor a statement showing the
interest credited on the escrow account during the period which
that the statement covers.

Sec. 3. 9-B MRSA §439-A, sub-§2, ķA, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 205,
§1, is amended to read:

A. The superintendent may grant a partial or full waiver
of the voting requirement for loans or other extensions of
credit in excess of 10% of total capital for good cause
shown. In granting this waiver, the superintendent shall
consider capital, management and resources of the
financial institution or other relevant factors as
determined by the superintendent.


This bill is intended to update Maine's lending laws in
order to make Maine chartered institutions more competitive
with nationally chartered institutions.

The bill gives Maine lenders the same ability as out-of-
state or national bank lenders to assess reasonable prepayment
charges on adjustable-rate mortgages.

The bill allows state-chartered banks and credit unions to
adjust interest rates on escrow accounts as they are permitted
to do on savings or share accounts, while maintaining a fair
rate for consumers.

The bill expands the authority of the Superintendent of
Financial Institutions within the Department of Professional
and Financial Regulation to waive an aspect of the loans-to-
one-borrower rules for well-capitalized institutions.

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