LD 561
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act To Improve Standards for Public Assistance to Employers in the State ... LD 561 Title Page
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LR 1652
Item 1

implement the provisions of this subsection.__Such an agency
shall suspend or terminate benefits of a recipient if that
recipient fails to file a certificate as required by paragraph A
or if the agency determines that the certificate is false or
inaccurate.__A recipient who violates the living wage standard
shall reimburse the State for any benefits received during the
period of noncompliance.__A recipient who willfully violates a
provision of this subsection shall reimburse the State for any
benefits received during the benefit period in which the
violation occurred plus a penalty equal to the amount of any
benefits received during that benefit period in addition to any
other penalty required by law.

2-B.__Relocation to another municipality.__An employer that
relocates from one municipality in the State to another
municipality in the State within 100 miles does not qualify
for an economic development incentive under subsection 1,
paragraph D, subparagraph (3) absent a clear and convincing
showing that the relocation involves a significant expansion
that could not have been made in the former municipality.


This bill expands wage and benefit standards in several
economic development incentive programs to cover additional
programs and employees.

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