LD 547
pg. 1
LD 547 Title Page An Act To Increase Bill Reductions for Electricity Customers in Maine LD 547 Title Page
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LR 1308
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 35-A MRSA §3211-A, sub-§4, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 624, §4,
is amended to read:

4. Funding level. The commission shall assess transmission
and distribution utilities to collect funds for conservation
programs and administrative costs in accordance with this
subsection. The amount of all assessments by the commission
under this subsection plus expenditures of a transmission and
distribution utility associated with prior conservation
efforts must result in total conservation expenditures by each
transmission and distribution utility that:

A. Are based on the relevant characteristics of the
transmission and distribution utility's service territory,
including the needs of customers; and

B. Do not exceed .15 cent per kilowatt-hour;

B-1.__Equal .25 cent per kilowatt-hour for all
transmission and distribution utilities other than
consumer-owned transmission and distribution utilities; in
the case of consumer-owned transmission and distribution
utilities the commission shall set assessment levels that
are just and reasonable and comport with paragraph A.

C. Are no less than 0.5% of the total transmission and
distribution revenues of the transmission and distribution
utility; and

D. Are proportionally equivalent to the total
conservation expenditures of other transmission and
distribution utilities, unless the commission finds that a
different amount is justified; however, any increase in an
assessment on a transmission and distribution utility by
the commission must be based on factors other than the
achievement of proportional equivalency.


Current law provides for the exercise of some discretion by
the Public Utilities Commission in setting assessment rates
for funding electricity conservation programs for Maine's
electricity customers. This bill instead establishes a single
rate, .25 cent per kilowatt-hour, for all investor-owned
utilities in the State while leaving with the commission
discretion for setting an assessment rate for consumer-owned
utilities, which generally are smaller and operate with lower
overall costs.

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