LD 475
pg. 4
Page 3 of 5 An Act To Improve Conditions for Inmates with Mental Illness Page 5 of 5
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LR 671
Item 1

B.__Members of the boards of visitors are eligible for
reappointment at the expiration of their terms.__The boards
of visitors must be representative of a broad range of
professionals, family members and citizens interested in
the well-being of prisoners, including representatives of
advocacy groups for human and civil rights, medical and
psychiatric professionals, persons who have served in
corrections settings and other interested citizens.

C.__A member of the Legislature may not serve on a board
of visitors.

3.__Powers.__Each board of visitors may inspect the
correctional facility to which it is assigned, interview any
prisoner and make recommendations on the management of the
facility or any other matter it considers appropriate to the
county commissioners.__Each board shall report to the county
commissioners, the Commissioner of Corrections and the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
criminal justice matters by January 5th of each year.__All use
of administrative segregation that lasts beyond 72 hours for
inmates with histories of mental illness or substance abuse
disorders, or both, must be reported to the board of visitors,
and the board shall examine the need for the inmate's
continued administrative segregation and make recommendations
regarding the administrative segregation's impact on the
inmate's health and well-being.__The annual report must
include a summary of the frequency of such segregation and the
board's evaluation of its impact on prisoners.

4.__Duties.__Boards of visitors have the following duties.

A.__Boards of visitors shall send copies of all
recommendations to the members of the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
criminal justice matters.

B.__Each board of visitors shall appear before the joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction
over criminal justice matters upon request.


Sec. F-1. 30-A MRSA §1557-A, sub-§6, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 647,
§5, is amended to read:

6. Commissioner of Corrections to determine temporary
housing assignments. If a county that does not have a jail or
has a jail that is not fully certified is unable to locate

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