LD 471
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 Resolve, To Study Obesity and Methods To Decrease the Cost of Health Care and I... Page 3 of 3
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LR 602
Item 1

2. Options for the adoption of a new nutrition pyramid, with
attention to the food pyramid recommendations published by the
Harvard School of Public Health and emphasis on increased
consumption of vegetables, whole grains, fat-free milk, beans,
soy products and nuts;

3. Analysis of physical education standards in Maine
schools from 1970 forward, including review of the Maine
system of learning results and standards in other states;

4. Review of possible methods for restricting advertising
to students while in school or at school-related activities or
school-sponsored activities, including actions taken in other
states and legislation restricting advertising and contracts
that result directly or indirectly in advertising or
promotional information or displays;

5. Options for labeling fats in all packaged foods sold in
the State, with attention given to information on unsaturated
fats, trans fats and saturated fats;

6. Methods of encouraging healthy food purchasing by
families using cash and under public benefit programs,
including the possibility of restricting purchases under a
public benefit program to certain categories of foods;

7. Analysis of discrimination based on personal size, using
the Michigan human rights law as an example and consulting
with the Attorney General regarding legal issues;

8. Analysis of the potential savings in health care costs
and decreases in lost work time from the creation of fitness
centers in major centers of state employment, and the savings
over time from the fitness centers;

9. Analysis of the nutritional value of food for sale in
places of state employment in cafeterias and snack bars and by
vending machines; and

10. Analysis of the benefits and costs of providing
insurance or health coverage for obesity prevention and
nutrition counseling for state employees, retirees and
MaineCare enrollees and for health coverage by carriers
licensed under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 24 or Title
24-A; and be it further

Sec. 5. Staff assistance. Resolved: That the commission may request
staffing and clerical assistance from the Legislative Council
and from the Department of Human Services; and be it further

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