LD 466
pg. 1
LD 466 Title Page An Act Concerning the Issuance of a Temporary Liquor License Page 2 of 2
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LR 913
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 28-A MRSA §653, sub-§1, as amended by PL 2001, c. 500, §1,
is further amended to read:

1. Hearings. The municipal officers or, in the case of
unincorporated places, the county commissioners of the county
in which the unincorporated place is located, shall may hold a
public hearing for the consideration of applications for new
on-premise on-premises licenses and applications for transfer
of location of existing on-premise on-premises licenses. The
municipal officers or county commissioners may hold a public
hearing for the consideration of requests for renewal of
licenses, except that when an applicant has held a license for
the prior 5 years and a complaint has not been filed against
the applicant within that time, the applicant may request a
waiver of the hearing.

A. The bureau shall prepare and supply application forms.

B. The municipal officers or the county commissioners, as
the case may be, shall provide public notice of any
hearing held under this section by causing a notice, at
the applicant's prepaid expense, stating the name and
place of hearing, to appear on at least 3 consecutive days
before the date of hearing in a daily newspaper having
general circulation in the municipality where the premises
are located or one week before the date of the hearing in
a weekly newspaper having general circulation in the
municipality where the premises are located.

C. If the municipal officers or the county commissioners,
as the case may be, fail to take final action on an
application for a new on-premise on-premises license, for
or transfer of the location of an existing on-premise on-
premises license within 60 days of the filing of an
application, the application is deemed approved and ready
for action by the bureau. For purposes of this paragraph,
the date of filing of the application is the date the
application is received by the municipal officers or
county commissioners. This paragraph applies to all
applications pending before municipal officers or county
commissioners as of the effective date of this paragraph
as well as all applications filed on or after the
effective date of this paragraph. This paragraph applies
to an existing on-premise on-premises license that has
been extended pending renewal. The municipal officers or
the county commissioners shall take final action on an on-
premise on-premises license that has been extended pending
renewal within 120 days of the filing of the application.

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