LD 402
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Page 1 of 2 An Act To Reduce the Tax Paid on Mahogany Quahogs LD 402 Title Page
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LR 1616
Item 1

Sec. 4. 36 MRSA §4718, as enacted by PL 1991, c. 561, §2, is
amended to read:

§4718. Contributions; Toxin Monitoring Fund

The State Tax Assessor shall determine annually the total
amount of tax revenue collected under this chapter. The State
Tax Assessor shall deduct the cost of administering the
mahogany quahog tax from those revenues and report the
remainder to the Treasurer of State, who shall credit that
amount to the Toxin Monitoring Fund established in Title 12,
section 6731-A, subsection 5, except that not more than
$16,000 may be credited to the fund in any year. Revenues
collected that are in excess of $16,000 must be credited to
the General Fund.


This bill reduces the tax on mahogany quahogs landed in the
State from $1.20 per bushel to 50¢ per bushel. Additionally,
the bill requires that all revenues received from this tax be
credited to the Toxin Monitoring Fund and that any money not
used for monitoring the level of paralytic shellfish toxin in
mahogany quahogs be used for research, population studies and
support of the mahogany quahog fishery.

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