LD 399
pg. 1
LD 399 Title Page An Act To Increase Civil Process Fees LD 399 Title Page
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LR 1348
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 30-A MRSA §421, 4th ¶, as amended by PL 1991, c. 498, §3, is
further amended to read:

The county commissioners of each county may require that the
fees collected under subsections 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 12, 13 and 14
be increased by $1 $5. The sheriff or deputy shall collect
this additional dollar amount and pay it to the county
treasurer for the use and benefit of the county. The county
commissioners may also require that the fees collected under
subsections 1 to 14 be increased by an amount equal to the
cost of social security and other withholding taxes on the
fees payable under this section.


This bill authorizes the county commissioners of each county
to increase the fee collected for service of civil processes,
disclosure subpoenas, complaints for divorce, attachments of
personal property, writs of replevin, tax summonses and
warrants, sales or use tax warrants, income tax warrants and
search for persons to serve from $1 to $5.

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