LD 398
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Improve Collection of Information about Work-related Injuries and To ... Page 3 of 3
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LR 444
Item 1

Sec. 2. 39-A MRSA §401, sub-§5-A is enacted to read:

5-A.__Working group on data collection and injury
prevention.__The Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor
Standards shall convene a working group beginning not later
than October 1, 2003 to evaluate data on work-related injuries
and identify ways to reduce the incidence of such injuries.__
The bureau shall include in the group representatives of the
board, labor, employers, occupational health practitioners,
safety experts, insurers and others that the bureau considers
useful and necessary to the group. The group shall review
existing data collection efforts and the structure within
State Government for evaluating and improving injury
prevention efforts in the workplace.__The group shall identify
ways to improve data collection, analysis and injury
prevention programs in the State.__The bureau shall report the
recommendations of the group by January 1, 2005 and January 1,
2006 to the Governor and to the joint standing committees of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over labor matters and
over insurance matters.__Those committees are authorized to
report out legislation in response to the recommendations to
the First Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature and the
Second Regular Session of the 122nd Legislature.__The__bureau
may continue the group as long as it considers such a group
useful in understanding the causes and promoting prevention of
work-related injuries in the State.

Sec. 3. Effective date. Section 1 of this Act takes effect January
1, 2004.


Under current Maine law, an employer is required to report a
work-related injury to the Workers' Compensation Board only if
the injury causes the employee to lose a day's work. To
provide more complete information on the incidence of work-
related injuries, this bill adds a requirement that any injury
that requires medical care also be reported to the board. The
bill places the ultimate responsibility for timely and
accurate filing of first reports of injury on insurers, self-
insurers and group self-insurers.

The bill also requires insurers, self-insurers and group
self-insurers to file injury reports electronically.
Currently, at least 1/2 of first injury reports are filed

Finally, the bill requires the Department of Labor, Bureau
of Labor Standards to convene a working group to develop a
plan to use information about work-related injuries to
identify the

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