LD 374
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LD 374 Title Page An Act To Create Animal Shelter Special Registration Plates Page 2 of 3
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 7 MRSA §3906-B, sub-§2, as amended by PL 2001, c. 422, §3,
is further amended to read:

2. Animal Welfare Fund. The commissioner shall deposit all
license fees received pursuant to chapters 721, 723, 725 and
735 in a separate account established by the Treasurer of
State and known as the Animal Welfare Fund. The commissioner
shall deposit 1/2 of feed registration fees collected under
section 714 in the Animal Welfare Fund. This account does not
lapse, but continues from year to year. The commissioner
shall pay from the Animal Welfare Fund the expense of
furnishing blanks, stickers and tags, travel expenses and
salaries for necessary personnel, payments to animal shelters
and expenses incurred in the administration of this Part. All
contributions to the Animal Welfare Fund, pursuant to Title
29-A, section 456-C must be used for payments to animal

Sec. 2. 29-A MRSA §456-C is enacted to read:

§456-C. Animal shelter plates

1.__Animal shelter plates.__The Secretary of State, upon
receiving an application and evidence of payment of the excise
tax required by Title 36, section 1482, the annual motor
vehicle registration fee required by section 501 and the
contribution provided for in subsection 2, shall issue a
registration certificate and a set of animal shelter special
registration plates to be used in lieu of regular registration
plates.__These plates must bear identification numbers and

2.__Contribution to Animal Welfare Fund.__In addition to the
regular motor vehicle registration fee prescribed by law for
the particular class of vehicle registered, the initial
contribution for animal shelter plates is $20, which must be
deposited with the Treasurer of State and credited as follows:

A.__Ten dollars to the Animal Welfare Fund established in
Title 7, section 3906-B, subsection 2 for payments to
animal shelters; and

B.__Ten dollars to the Highway Fund for administrative and
production costs.

3.__Design.__The Secretary of State shall determine a design
for the animal shelter special registration plates.__The joint
standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
transportation matters shall review the final design prior to
manufacture of the plates.__The Secretary of State shall issue

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