LD 362
pg. 1
LD 362 Title Page An Act To Rescind the Vehicle Registration of a Person Who Pays for That Regist... LD 362 Title Page
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LR 528
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 36 MRSA §1491-A is enacted to read:

§1491-A.__Bad checks

1.__Bad checks. The Secretary of State shall rescind a
vehicle registration for which the excise tax is paid with a
check that is subsequently returned because of insufficient
funds, a stop-payment order or a closed account.

2.__Insufficient funds.__If a check under subsection 1 is
returned for insufficient funds, the collector of the tax
shall notify the person whose name appears on the vehicle
registration that the person has 30 days to pay the excise tax
plus bank charges for the bad check or face rescission of the
registration.__If the person does not pay the excise tax and
bank charges within 30 days of notification, the collector of
the tax may forward the person's name, address and vehicle
registration information to the Secretary of State to rescind
the registration.

3.__Stop-payment orders and closed accounts.__If a check
under subsection 1 is returned due to a stop-payment order or
a closed account, the collector of the tax may immediately
forward the name, address and vehicle registration information
on the registration to the Secretary of State to rescind the


This bill requires the Secretary of State to rescind the
vehicle registration of a person who pays the excise tax for
the vehicle with a check that is returned because of
insufficient funds, a stop-payment order or a closed account.

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