LD 349
pg. 1
LD 349 Title Page An Act Regarding Implied Warranties LD 349 Title Page
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LR 1589
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 11 MRSA §2-316, sub-§(5), as amended by PL 1997, c. 497, §1,
is further amended to read:

(5) The provisions of subsections (2), (3) and (4) do not
apply to sales of consumer goods or services, except for used
outdoor power equipment when the seller is a merchant with
respect to goods of that kind. Any language, oral or written,
used by a seller or manufacturer of consumer goods and
services that attempts to exclude or modify any implied
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
purpose or to exclude or modify the consumer's remedies for
breach of those warranties is unenforceable. Any language,
oral or written, used by a prior seller or manufacturer of
consumer goods and services that attempts to exclude or modify
the warranty or reimbursement remedy of a retail seller of
consumer goods and services who provides reimbursement or
return to a consumer as required to honor an implied warranty
of merchantability due to a defect for which that prior seller
or manufacturer is liable under section 2-314 or 2-315 is
unenforceable. Consumer goods and services are those new or
used goods and services, including mobile homes, that are used
or bought primarily for personal, family or household

(a) A violation of section 2-314, 2-315 or 2-316 arising
from the retail sale of consumer goods and services
constitutes a violation of Title 5, chapter 10, Unfair
Trade Practices Act.

(b) A violation of section 2-316 arising from an attempt
by a prior seller or manufacturer of consumer goods and
services to exclude or modify the warranty or
reimbursement remedy of a retail seller of consumer goods
and services who provides reimbursement or return to a
consumer as required to honor an implied warranty of
merchantability due to a defect for which that prior
seller or manufacturer is liable under section 2-314 or 2-
315 does not constitute a violation of Title 5, chapter
10, Unfair Trade Practices Act.


This bill allows merchants who sell used outdoor power
equipment to exclude or modify all implied warranties of
fitness when selling those products, provided that those
merchants follow the procedures for exclusion or modification
of such warranties that exist under current law.

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