LD 315
pg. 1
LD 315 Title Page An Act To Provide a Discount to Farmers Who Are Certified as Organic Farmers an... LD 315 Title Page
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LR 534
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 5 MRSA §6209, sub-§7 is enacted to read:

7. Discount on certain leases.__When farmland acquired
pursuant to this chapter is leased, the state agency or
cooperating entity acting as the lessor in the lease agreement
shall determine the fair market value of the lease. The state
agency or cooperating entity acting as the lessor shall
discount the lease fee by 50% when the lessee obtains organic
certification from an organization accredited as a certifying
agent by the National Organic Program within the United States
Department of Agriculture for products grown on the land.__The
lessee may apply for reimbursement equal to the amount of the
discount for the 3-year period immediately preceding the
organic certification. The discounted rate applies as long as
the lessee maintains organic certification for products grown
on the land.


This bill provides for a discounted lease fee for farmland
acquired under the Land for Maine's Future program and leased
for agricultural production when the lessee attains organic

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