LD 310
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LD 310 Title Page RESOLUTION, Proposing an Amendment to the Constitution of Maine to Reduce the S... Page 2 of 3
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Item 1

Constitutional amendment. Resolved: Two thirds of each branch of the
Legislature concurring, that the following amendments to the
Constitution of Maine be proposed:

Constitution, Art. IV, Part First, §2 is amended to read:

Section 2. Number of Representatives; biennial terms;
division of the State into districts for House of
Representatives. The House of Representatives shall consist
of 151 members, except that, for the Legislature that convenes
in 2005 and thereafter, the House of Representatives shall
consist of 99 members, to be elected by the qualified
electors, and hold their office 2 years from the day next
preceding the first Wednesday in December following the
general election. The Legislature which convenes in 1983 2003
and every 10th year thereafter shall cause the State to be
divided into districts for the choice of one Representative
for each district, using the same method as provided in
Article IV, Part Second, Section 2 for apportionment of
Senatorial Districts, except that each Senatorial District
must be divided into 3 Representative Districts. The number
of Representatives shall be divided into the number of
inhabitants of the State exclusive of foreigners not
naturalized according to the latest Federal Decennial Census
or a State Census previously ordered by the Legislature to
coincide with the Federal Decennial Census, to determine a
mean population figure for each Representative District. Each
Representative District shall be formed of contiguous and
compact territory and shall cross political subdivision lines
the least number of times necessary to establish as nearly as
practicable equally populated districts. Whenever the
population of a municipality entitles it to more than one
district, all whole districts shall be drawn within municipal
boundaries. Any population remainder within the municipality
shall be included in a district with contiguous territory and
shall be kept intact.

Constitution, Art. IV, Part Second, §1 is amended to read:

Section 1. Number of Senators. The Senate shall consist of
an odd number of Senators, not less than 31 nor more than 35,
except that, for the Legislature that convenes in 2005 and
thereafter, the Senate shall consist of 33 members, elected at
the same time and for the same term as Representatives by the
qualified electors of the districts into which the State shall
be from time to time divided.

Constitution, Art. IV, Part Second, §2, first ¶ is amended to read:

Section 2. Submission of reapportionment plan to Secretary
of Senate; Legislature's action on commission's plan; division

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