LD 303
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LD 303 Title Page An Act To Increase Protection for Endangered and Threatened Species Page 2 of 2
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Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §7756, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 316, §1, is
amended to read:

For the purposes of this section, "to take, take and taking"
means the intentional or negligent an act or omission that
results in the death of any endangered or threatened species.

Sec. 2. 12 MRSA §7756, sub-§1, as amended by PL 1999, c. 316, §1, is
further amended to read:

1. Misuse of endangered or threatened species. A person is
guilty, except as provided in subsection 2, of misuse of an
endangered or threatened species if that person does any or
assists with any of the following:

A. Imports into the State or exports out of the State any
endangered or threatened species;

B. Hunts, takes, traps or possesses any endangered or
threatened species within the State;

C. Possesses, processes, sells, offers for sale,
delivers, carries, transports or ships, by any means
whatsoever, any endangered or threatened species or any
part of an endangered or threatened species; or

D. Deliberately feeds Feeds, sets bait for or harasses
any endangered or threatened species, except as allowed
under subsection 2, paragraph A. A warning must be issued
for the first violation. The 2nd violation is punishable
as a Class E crime.

Sec. 3. 12 MRSA §7901-A, sub-§11-A is enacted to read:

11-A. Criminal violations of chapter 713.__Violations of
chapter 713, subchapter 5 are Class D crimes for which the
court shall impose a sentence as follows:

A. For a first offense, incarceration for not less than 3
days and a fine of not less than $1,000, none of which may
be suspended; and

B. For a 2nd and each succeeding offense, incarceration
for not less than 10 days for each offense and a fine of
not less than $1,000, none of which may be suspended;

Sec. 4. 12 MRSA §8883, sub-§1, ¶I, as amended by PL 1997, c. 648, §5,
is further amended to read:

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