LD 296
pg. 1
LD 296 Title Page An Act Regarding the Licensing of Foresters LD 296 Title Page
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LR 546
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 32 MRSA §5515, sub-§8, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 261, §4, is
amended to read:

8. Renewal. Licenses expire annually on December 31st or
on a date the commissioner determines. The board shall issue
a renewal license upon receipt of the written request for
renewal, the annual fee and evidence of satisfactory
completion of continuing education as set forth in subsection
7. The board shall mail a renewal notice and application 4 to
6 weeks prior to expiration. Licenses may be renewed up to 90
days after expiration upon payment of a late fee in addition
to the renewal fee. If a renewal application is not received
by the expiration date or within 30 days after the expiration
date, the board shall send a notice by registered mail return
receipt requested to the licensed forester at the last known
mailing address advising the forester of the license
expiration and the 90-day period during which renewal can
occur. A person who submits an application for renewal more
than 90 days after the license expiration date is subject to
all requirements governing new applicants under this chapter.

Sec. 2. Transition provisions. Notwithstanding the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 32, section 5515, subsection 8, the Board of
Licensure of Foresters shall reinstate a forester's license
that expired on December 31, 2001 or December 31, 2002 if the
license was revoked solely for failure to renew within 90
days of the expiration date and the forester qualifies for
renewal in accordance with this section. To qualify for
renewal under this section, the applicant must submit a
request for renewal, evidence of compliance with continuing
education requirements, the annual renewal fee and a late fee
prior to December 31, 2003.


This bill requires the Board of Licensure of Foresters to
send a renewal notice prior to the expiration of a forester's
license and a second notice to a forester who fails to renew
within 30 days of the expiration of a license. This bill
allows a person whose license expired December 31, 2001 or
December 31, 2002 to be reinstated as a licensed forester.

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