LD 240
pg. 1
LD 240 Title Page An Act to Ensure that Maine's Unemployment System is Responsive to the Needs of... LD 240 Title Page
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LR 1502
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 26 MRSA §1192, sub-§3, as repealed and replaced by PL 1983,
c. 816, Pt. A, §22, is amended to read:

3. Is able and available for work. He The individual is
able to work and is available for full-time work at his the
individual's usual or customary trade, occupation, profession
or business or in such other trade, occupation, profession or
business for which his the individual's prior training or
experience shows him the individual to be fitted or qualified;
and in addition to having complied with subsection 2 is
himself actively seeking work in accordance with the
regulations of the commission; provided that no ineligibility
may be found solely because the claimant is unable to accept
employment on a shift, the greater part of which falls between
the hours of midnight to 5 a.m., and is unavailable for that
employment because of parental obligation, the need to care
for an immediate family member, or the unavailability of a
personal care attendant required to assist the unemployed
individual who is a handicapped person; and provided that an
unemployed individual who is neither able nor available for
work due to good cause as determined by the deputy shall be is
eligible to receive prorated benefits for that portion of the
week during which he the individual was able and available;
except that, beginning January 1, 2004 an individual who is
not available for full-time work as required in this
subsection is not disqualified from receiving benefits if the
person is available for part-time work, in accordance with
rules adopted by the Department of Labor.__Rules adopted to
implement this subsection are routine technical rules as
defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter 2-A;


Under current law, an unemployed individual is eligible to
receive unemployment benefits only if the individual is
available for full-time work. This bill provides that,
beginning January 1, 2004, an individual who is not available
for full-time work is not disqualified from receiving benefits
if the person is available for part-time work.

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