LD 229
pg. 9
Page 8 of 19 An Act to Enact the Uniform Athlete Agents Act Page 10 of 19
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LR 465
Item 1

F.__Engaged in conduct the consequence of which was that a
sanction, suspension or declaration of ineligibility to
participate in an interscholastic or intercollegiate
athletic event was imposed on a student athlete or
educational institution; or

G.__Engaged in conduct that significantly adversely
reflects on the applicant's credibility, honesty or

3.__Considerations.__In making a determination under
subsection 2, the commissioner shall consider:

A.__How recently the conduct occurred;

B.__The nature of the conduct and the context in which it
occurred; and

C.__Any other relevant conduct of the applicant.

4.__Application for renewal.__An athlete agent may apply to
renew a registration by submitting an application for renewal
in a form prescribed by the commissioner.__An application
filed under this section is a public record.__The application
for renewal must be signed by the applicant under penalty of
perjury and must contain current information on all matters
required in an original registration.

5.__Certificate from another state for renewal.__An
individual who has submitted an application for renewal of
registration or licensure in another state, in lieu of
submitting an application for renewal in the form prescribed
pursuant to subsection 4, may file a copy of the application
for renewal and a valid certificate of registration or
licensure from the other state. The commissioner shall accept
the application for renewal from the other state as an
application for renewal in this State if the application to
the other state:

A.__Was submitted in the other state within the 6 months
next preceding the filing in this State and the applicant
certifies the information contained in the application for
renewal is current;

B.__Contains information substantially similar to or more
comprehensive than that required in an application for
renewal submitted in this State; and

C.__Was signed by the applicant under penalty of perjury.

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