LD 222
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Item 1

§8304.__Petition; regulation

1.__Petition and review.__Within 60 days of receiving notice
of a final proposed increase in a rate or change in a product
or service pursuant to section 8303, subsection 1, paragraph
D, 10 or more customers affected by the increase or change may
file a petition with the commission to review the change.__In
response to the petition, the commission may examine the
change or increase to assess its reasonableness.__If the
petition is signed by 25 or more customers, the commission
shall review the change.

2.__Commission review.__If the commission, in its review of
a final proposed increase in a rate or change in a product or
service finds that the increase or change is unreasonable or
poses an unreasonable hardship on customers, the commission
shall petition the Federal Communications Commission:

A. To stay the unreasonable increase or change pending
review by the Federal Communications Commission; and

B. To evaluate the commission's findings and
recommendations on the matter and to direct the cable
system operator and, as applicable, the franchising
authority to revise the rate or change in accordance with
the commission's recommendations.

§8305. Commission rules

The commission may adopt rules necessary to implement this
chapter.__Rules adopted pursuant to this chapter are routine
technical rules as defined in the Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter 2-A.

§8306.__Cable system assessment; fund; distribution

The Cable Regulation Reimbursement Fund is established as a
nonlapsing fund to provide funds to pay the costs of the
commission and those of municipalities in regulating the
rates, products and services of cable systems.__The commission
shall assess cable system operators in an equitable manner to
provide necessary funds for the Cable Regulation Reimbursement
Fund.__The commission shall by January 1st of each year
provide an accounting of its assessments under this section
and the amounts spent by the commission and distributed to
municipalities.__The commission by rule shall establish the
standards and procedures for the disbursement of funds to
municipalities under this section.

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