LD 211
pg. 2
Page 1 of 5 An Act To Modify the County Budget Procedures for Sagadahoc County Page 3 of 5
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LR 389
Item 1

(1) If a budget advisory committee member who is
elected as a municipal officer vacates, resigns or is
unable to complete the term of office to which that
member was elected, the next district caucus shall
elect a municipal officer to serve for the remainder
of the unexpired term.

(2) If a budget advisory committee member who is a
representative of the general public resigns or is
unable to complete the term of office to which that
member was elected, the next district caucus shall
elect a representative of the general public to serve
for the remainder of the unexpired term.

B. The budget advisory committee shall select annually
one of its members to chair the committee.

2. Election. The election of In 2004, and thereafter, at
least 90 days before the end of every fiscal year the budget
advisory committee members is as follows must be elected by
the following procedures:

A. Before February 15th of every year, the The county
commissioners shall notify all municipal officers in the
county to caucus by county commissioner districts at a
specified date, time and place for the purpose of electing
the membership of the county budget advisory committee.
Whenever a public member of the budget advisory committee
will be elected, the county commissioners must issue a
public notice of that fact that includes the date, time
and place of the caucus. The county commissioner shall
serve as nonvoting moderator for that commissioner's
district caucus. Nominations must be received from the
floor. The nominee receiving the most votes is approved
as a budget advisory committee member and serves a term of
3 years, except as provided in paragraph B.

B. In 1991, each caucus shall elect 3 members whose terms
are as follows.

(1) One of the members who is a municipal officer
shall serve an initial term of one year.

(2) One of the members who is a municipal officer
shall serve an initial term of 2 years.

(3) The member who is a representative of the
general public shall serve an initial term of 3

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