LD 203
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Establish the Full Right of Petition and Redress in Local School Boar... LD 203 Title Page
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LR 1042
Item 1

§1006.__People's veto of school board policies

1.__Petition procedure.__By written petition filed with the
superintendent, the registered voters of a school
administrative unit may request that one or more rules,
ordinances or other statements of school board policy or part
or parts thereof, except for rules, ordinances or other
statements of school board policy or part or parts thereof
that pertain to staffing or salary matters, any other
personnel matters or any budgetary matters, approved by the
school board but not then in effect, be referred to the voters
of the school administrative unit for their approval.__The
petition must be accompanied by a number of signatures of
registered voters at least equal to 10% of the total number of
votes for Governor cast in the school administrative unit at
the last gubernatorial election preceding the filing of the
petition.__The effect of any rule, ordinance or other
statement of school board policy or part or parts thereof that
are the subject of a petition under this section must be
suspended by the school board upon the filing of a valid
petition and may not take effect until 30 days after the
municipal officers of the school administrative unit have
announced by public proclamation that the same have been
ratified by a majority of the votes cast.

2.__Referral to electors.__As soon as any rule, ordinance or
other statement of school board policy or part or parts
thereof have been suspended by petition as provided in
subsection 1, the municipal officers of the school
administrative unit by public proclamation shall give notice
of the petition and of the time when the measure is to be
voted on.__The vote must be at the next statewide election or
at a special election called by the municipal officers if
there is no statewide election within 6 months of receipt of
the petition.

3. Not applicable to budgets.__This section does not apply
to school budgets including, but not limited to, a school
budget subject to the provisions of section 1304, 1305, 1305-
A, 1305-B, 1701, 1701-A or 1701-B.


This bill provides for a direct initiative and people's veto
process for school policies and rules, except those that
pertain to staffing or salary matters, any other personnel
matters or any budgetary matters, to be exercised by the
voters of any school administrative unit. The processes
established are similar to those available under the
Constitution of Maine for initiation and veto of legislation
by the voters of the State.

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