LD 164
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act To Authorize a General Fund Bond Issue in the Amount of $30,000,000 To F... Page 3 of 3
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LR 1316
Item 1

Controller, are appropriated solely for the purposes set forth
in this Part. Any unencumbered balances remaining at the
completion of the project in this Part lapse to the debt service
account established for the retirement of these bonds.

Sec. B-4. Interest and debt retirement. The Treasurer of State shall pay
interest due or accruing on any bonds issued under this Part
and all sums coming due for payment of bonds at maturity.

Sec. B-5. Disbursement of bond proceeds. The proceeds of the bonds must
be expended as set out in this Part under the direction and
supervision of the Maine Municipal Bond Bank as designated by
the Commissioner of Education in accordance with the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 30-A, section 6 of this Part006-F.

Sec. B-6. Allocations from General Fund bond issue. The proceeds of the
sale of the bonds must be expended as designated in the
following schedule.



and capital repairs and improvements of

public school facilities to address

health, safety and compliance deficiencies,

general renovation needs and learning

space upgrades.

Sec. B-7. Contingent upon ratification of bond issue. Sections 1 to 6 do not
become effective unless the people of the State ratify the
issuance of the bonds as set forth in this Part.

Sec. B-8. Appropriation balances at year-end. At the end of each fiscal
year, all unencumbered appropriation balances representing
state money carry forward. Bond proceeds that have not been
expended within 10 years after the date of the sale of the
bonds lapse to General Fund debt service.

Sec. B-9. Bonds authorized but not issued. Any bonds authorized but not
issued, or for which bond anticipation notes are not issued
within 5 years of ratification of this Part, are deauthorized
and may not be issued, except that the Legislature may, within
2 years after the expiration of that 5-year period, extend the
period for issuing any remaining unissued bonds or bond
anticipation notes for an additional amount of time not to
exceed 5 years.

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