LD 163
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Page 2 of 3 An Act To Provide Energy Opportunities to Northern Maine LD 163 Title Page
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LR 1626
Item 1

serviced by those electric utilities to receive the benefits of
service similar to all other electric customers in this State.

Sec. 3. 10 MRSA §9203, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 513, §6,
amended to read:

3. Acceptance of proposals for connections. The
corporation shall request and receive proposals from public
and private entities to finance, permit, construct or operate
any natural gas or electric transmission lines necessary to
connect electric utilities and natural gas customers in the
northern part of the State with the transmission grid and
natural gas transmission system of the United States, and may
approve those proposals if they are in keeping with the intent
of this chapter.

Sec. 4. 10 MRSA §9203, sub-§4 is enacted to read:

4.__Conduct studies.__The corporation may conduct such
studies, including, but not limited to, feasibility studies,
as may be necessary and convenient to the performance of its

Sec. 5. PL 2001, c. 714, Pt. M is repealed.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the
preamble, this Act takes effect when approved.


This bill accomplishes the following.

1. Public Law 1999, chapter 513 authorized the Finance
Authority of Maine to issue up to $35,000,000 in bonds to
finance the construction of transmission lines. This
authorization was repealed, before it took effect, by Public
Law 1999, chapter 531. This bill reinstates that authority
and increases the bonding limit to $100,000,000.

2. It expands the stated purposes of the Northern Maine
Transmission Corporation to include facilitation of the
transmission of natural gas.

3. It enacts language to allow the Northern Maine
Transmission Corporation to conduct studies.

4. It repeals language enacted in Public Law 2001, chapter
714 that requires that funds in the Northern Maine
Transmission Corporation Fund be transferred to the General

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