LD 77
pg. 2
Page 1 of 3 An Act to Require Permission for an ATV to Cross Private Land Page 3 of 3
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LR 326
Item 1

or a municipal official, either personally or by appropriate
notices posted conspicuously on that road. A person operating
an ATV on a private road is also subject to the provisions of
section 7856, subsection 3.

Sec. 5. 12 MRSA §7857, sub-§23, as enacted by PL 1983, c. 297, §§1
and 3, is repealed.

Sec. 6. 12 MRSA §7901-A, sub-§12, śC, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 421,
Pt. B, §88 and affected by Pt. C, §1, is amended by repealing
subparagraph (4).

Sec. 7. 12 MRSA §7901-A, sub-§12, śC, as enacted by PL 2001, c. 421,
Pt. B, §88 and affected by Pt. C, §1, is amended by repealing
subparagraph (24).


This bill prohibits the operation of an ATV on private land
without the written permission of the landowner or landowner's
agent unless the landowner specifically permits ATVs without
written permission. Current law includes a variety of
provisions regarding the operation of an ATV on the land of
another. The bill repeals or modifies these provisions to
make the law consistent with the written-permission
requirement. The bill also moves appropriate penalties into
appropriate sections and repeals the penalties that applied to
the provisions of law that are repealed by the bill.

1. Current law prohibits operation of any motor vehicle,
including an ATV, on snowmobile trails financed with funds
from the Snowmobile Trail Fund unless operation has been
authorized by the landowner or the landowner's agent or unless
the use is necessitated by an emergency involving safety of
persons or property. The bill amends the language to cross
reference the written-permission requirement for ATV and moves
the amended provision to a more appropriate section of the

2. Current law prohibits a person from operating an ATV on
a private road after having been forbidden to do so by the
owner thereof, the owner's agent or a municipal official,
either personally or by appropriate notices posted
conspicuously on that road. The bill adds to this section a
cross-reference to the written-permission requirement to
clarify that a person who has not been forbidden to operate an
ATV on the road still must obtain permission to operate on
that road.

3. Current law prohibits operation of an ATV on any crop
land or pastureland without the permission of the owner or

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