LD 61
pg. 1
LD 61 Title Page An Act to Promote Public Awareness of Parkinson's Disease LD 61 Title Page
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LR 477
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. Education regarding Parkinson's disease. By January 1, 2004, the
Department of Human Services, Bureau of Health shall undertake
a comprehensive program of education regarding Parkinson's
disease. In designing and implementing the program, the
department shall work with the boards of licensure of the
health care professions, statewide associations providing
health care information and training and the Bureau of Elder
and Adult Services within the department. The program must
include education for emergency workers and first responders;
professional and paraprofessional health care personnel;
public safety, law enforcement and correctional personnel;
public transportation personnel; and crisis intervention
personnel. The program must provide education on Parkinson's
disease and responses to crisis situations for persons with
Parkinson's disease.


This bill requires the Department of Human Services, Bureau
of Health to undertake an education initiative regarding
Parkinson's disease. The initiative provides training to a
wide variety of health care, public service and law
enforcement personnel.

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