LD 18
pg. 3
Page 2 of 3 An Act to Make Corrections to Laws in Conflict with MCJUSTIS Changes LD 18 Title Page
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LR 158
Item 1

Sec. 8. Retroactivity. This Act applies retroactively to January
31, 2003.

Emergency clause. In view of the emergency cited in the
preamble, this Act takes effect January 31, 2003.


This bill amends the Maine Criminal Code to correct
conflicts with Public Law 2001, chapter 667, legislation
enacted in the 120th Legislature, pursuant to recommendations
by the Maine Criminal Justice Information System Policy Board,
in the following manner.

1. It repeals 3 sections of law that were incorporated into
the Maine Criminal Code elsewhere by Public Law 2001, chapter

2. It includes the correct classification of crime for 2
forms of aggravated trafficking and aggravated furnishing of
scheduled drugs.

3. It corrects a cross-reference concerning the theft of
scheduled drugs.

4. It corrects the application of general language
concerning prior convictions by providing that prior
convictions for sexual assaults may be used as sentencing
enhancers even if the prior convictions were entered more than
10 years earlier.

5. It provides a retroactive effective date of January 31,
2003 to be consistent with the effective date of Public Law
2001, chapter 667, Part D.

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