LD 2220
pg. 43
Page 42 of 43 An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... LD 2220 Title Page
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LR 3659
Item 1

Part Y delays by 2 months the scheduled .1% increase in
revenue sharing that would be effective May 1, 2003.


Part Z repeals the sales tax exemption for broadcasting
equipment that was enacted by Public Law 2001, chapter 709.


Part AA disallows, for property placed in service during tax
years beginning in 2002, 2003 and 2004, the net increase in
depreciation attributable to the 30% bonus depreciation
claimed by the taxpayer for federal income tax purposes in
accordance with the Jobs Creation and Worker Assistance Act of
2002. Except for 3-year property, the taxpayer is allowed to
recapture the disallowance in equal amounts over a 3-year
period that begins 2 years after the beginning of the taxable
year of the disallowance. For 3-year property, the taxpayer
is allowed to recapture the entire disallowance in the first
year of the 3-year recovery period. Full recapture of
disallowed depreciation is complete by 2009, at which time
Maine would again be in full conformity with federal
depreciation schedules on affected property.


Part BB amends the Business Equipment Tax Reimbursement
statute to provide that applications for reimbursement must be
filed between August 1st and December 31st, with claims to be
paid within 90 days from the end of the filing period.


Part CC implements an assessment on residential treatment
facilities for individuals with developmental disabilities.


Part DD implements an assessment on hospitals.


Part EE implements an assessment on nursing facilities.


Part FF recognizes the method used to determine the amount
of curtailment each school system will receive.

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