LD 2220
pg. 38
Page 37 of 43 An Act to Make Supplemental Appropriations and Allocations for the Expenditures... Page 39 of 43
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LR 3659
Item 1

Section G-110,72110,721

Part H

Section H-12,6292,629

Section H-242,20042,200

Section H-3570570

Part I

Section I-176,00076,000

Section I-251,00051,000

Section I-325,46625,466

Section I-417,60017,600

Part J

Section J-12,000,0002,000,000

Section J-2116,430116,430

Part K

Section K-16,2446,244

Section K-2120,000120,000

Section K-3125,000125,000

Part L

Section L-159,26159,261

Part N

Section N-12,500,0002,500,000

Part O

Section O-149,00049,000

Section O-2477,746477,746

Section O-33,191,6593,191,659

Section O-489,96289,962

Section O-560,95660,956

Section O-638,19638,196

Section O-75,000,0005,000,000

Section O-81,000,0001,000,000

Section O-9206,399206,399

Section O-1099,39599,395

Part P

Section P-178,71878,718

Part Q

Section Q-1864,898864,898

Part R

Section R-1200,000200,000

Part S

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