LD 2184
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Page 1 of 2 An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Returnable Container Handling an... LD 2184 Title Page
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Item 1

committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over business and
economic development matters.

Sec. 4. 32 MRSA §1866-B, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 395, Pt. P, §4,
is repealed.

Sec. 5. 32 MRSA §1866-C, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 395, Pt. P, §5
and affected by §11, is repealed.

Sec. 6. 32 MRSA §1867, sub-§3, as enacted by PL 1975, c. 739, §16, is
amended to read:

3. Approval. The commissioner shall approve the licensing of
a local redemption center if he finds that the center will
provide a convenient service for the return of empty beverage
containers the redemption center complies with the requirements
established under section 1871-A. The order approving a local
redemption center shall license must state the dealers to be
served and the kinds, sizes and brand names of empty beverage
containers which that the center shall accept accepts.

Sec. 7. 32 MRSA §1867, sub-§4, as amended by PL 1991, c. 819, §12, is
further amended to read:

4. Redemption center acceptance. A local redemption center
may not refuse to accept from any consumer or other person not a
dealer any empty, unbroken and reasonably clean beverage
container of the kind, size and brand sold by a dealer served by
the center as long as the label for the container is registered
under section 1865, subsection 3 or refuse to pay in cash the
refund value of the returned beverage container as established by
section 1863-A.

Sec. 8. 32 MRSA §1871, as amended by PL 1995, c. 395, Pt. P, §7 and
affected by §11, is repealed.

Sec. 9. 32 MRSA §§1871-A, 1871-B and 1871-C are enacted to read:

§1871-A.__Licensing requirements

A license issued annually by the department is required before
any person may initiate deposits under section 1863-A, operate a
redemption center under section 1867 or act as a contracted agent
for the collection of beverage containers under section 1866,
subsection 5, paragraph B.

1.__Procedures; licensing fees.__The department shall adopt
rules establishing the requirements and procedures for issuance
of licenses and annual renewals under this section, including a

fee structure.__Initial rules adopted pursuant to this subsection
are routine technical rules as defined in Title 4, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.__Rules adopted effective after calendar year
2003 are major substantive rules as defined in Title 5, chapter
375, subchapter II-A and are subject to review by the joint
standing committee of the Legislature have jurisdiction over
business and economic development matters.

2.__Criteria for licensing rules.__In developing rules under
subsection 1 for licensing redemption centers, the department
shall consider at least the following:

A.__The health and safety of the public, including
sanitation protection when food is also sold on the
premises; and

B.__The convenience for the public, including standards
governing the distribution of centers by population or by
distance, or both.

§1871-B.__Beverage Container Enforcement Fund

1.__Creation.__The Beverage Container Enforcement Fund,
referred to in this section as the "fund," is created under the
jurisdiction and control of the department.

2.__Sources of money.__The fund consists of the following:

A.__Fees for issuance of licenses and license renewals under
section 1871-A;

B.__Fees for registration of beverage container labels and
registration renewals under section 1865, subsection 3; and

C. All other money appropriated or allocated for inclusion
in the fund.

3.__Application of fund.__The department may combine
administration and inspection responsibilities of other programs
it administers with administration and enforcement
responsibilities under this chapter for efficiency purposes;
however, money in the fund may be used to fund only the portion
of staff time devoted to administration and enforcement
activities under this chapter.

4.__Revolving fund.__The fund is a nonlapsing, revolving fund.__
All money in the fund must be continuously applied by the
department to carry out the administrative and enforcement
responsibilities of the department under this chapter.

§1871-C.__Department administration

The department shall administer this chapter and has the
authority, following public hearing, to adopt necessary rules to

carry it into effect.__The department may adopt rules governing
local redemption centers that receive beverage containers from
dealers supplied by distributors other than the distributors
servicing the area in which the local redemption center is
located in order to prevent the distributors servicing the area
within which the redemption center is located from being unfairly
penalized.__In addition to other actions required by this
chapter, department responsibilities include the following.

1.__Registry of labels.__The department shall establish and
maintain a registry of beverage container labels.__The registry
must contain the information for each beverage type and beverage
container filed under section 1865, subsection 3 arranged and
displayed in an organized and comprehensible manner.__The
department shall update the registry regularly and make
information from the registry available upon request.

2.__Provision of information.__The department shall provide
information about the operation of this chapter to any affected
person whose premises it inspects or visits as part of its
licensing and inspection responsibilities.

Sec. 10. 32 MRSA §1872, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1989, c. 585, Pt. D,
§§9 and 11, is repealed.

Sec. 11. Implementation of label registration requirements. In implementing
the label registration requirements of the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 32, section 1865, subsection 3, the Department of
Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources shall coordinate with the
Department of Public Safety, Bureau of Liquor Enforcement and the
Department of Administrative and Financial Services, Bureau of
Alcoholic Beverages and Lottery Operations so that, to the
maximum extent possible, registration of beer, wine and spirits
under that subsection does not duplicate registration
requirements enforced by those bureaus.

Sec. 12. Implementation of licensing fees. In adopting rules establishing
licensing fees under the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 32,
section 1871-A, the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Resources shall base the amount of fees on the actual cost of
implementing increased responsibilities under this Act.
Initially, fees may be set at a level to cover one-time start-up
costs, but after that fees must be set at a level to cover
ongoing costs only, except for calendar years 2003 and 2004 when
the department shall issue redemption centers a 2-year license
for a fee not to exceed $40. Under the direction of the joint
standing committee of the Legislature have jurisdiction over
business and economic development matters, the department shall
consult with affected parties in developing the licensing fee

Sec. 13. Committee reestablished. The Committee to Study Reimbursement
Rates for Maine's Bottle Redemption Businesses and Other Issues
Related to the Handling and Collection of Returnable Containers,
established by Joint Order 2001, H.P. 1389 in the First Regular
Session of the 120th Legislature and referred to in this section
as the "committee," is reestablished as follows.

1. All members who were members of the committee appointed by
the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House after
the First Regular Session of the 120th Legislature may continue
to serve on the committee. Members who choose not to continue
serving as members may be replaced by the respective appointing
authority, except that 2 of the legislative members must be
members of the Joint Standing Committee on Business and Economic
Development. In addition to the original 13 members, the
committee is composed of the following members:

A. One member representing beverage manufacturers who is
not a distributor, appointed by the Speaker of the House;

B. The Commissioner of Agriculture, Food and Rural
Resources, or the commissioner's designee.

All additional appointments must be made no later than 30 days
following the effective date of this Act. The appointing
authorities shall notify the Executive Director of the
Legislative Council upon making their appointments. The Senator
named to the committee serves as Senate chair and the first named
House member serves as House chair. The committee shall meet at
the call of the cochairs.

2. The committee shall study issues related to the operation
of bottle redemption businesses and to the handling and
collection of returnable containers. In examining these issues,
the committee shall:

A. Develop a process for identifying ways to improve the
efficiency of the returnable container deposit law;

B. Examine potential improvements including redesigning the
operation of the system;

C. Study the viability of establishing cooperative
container pick-up arrangements between redemption centers,
distributors and collection agents;

D. Further study possible technological improvements that
will enhance the efficiency of the returnable container
deposit law; and

E. Further examine the impact on rates of return of a
proposal included in the report of the Committee to Study
Reimbursement Rates for Maine's Bottle Redemption Businesses
and Other Issues Related to the Handling and Collection of
Returnable Containers that would decrease from 15¢ to 5¢ the
refund value of wine and spirit containers of greater than
50 milliliters that are sold in the State.

3. The State Planning Office shall absorb costs to provide
staffing for the committee and other costs of the study, except
legislative per diem and legislative expenses.

4. Committee members who are Legislators are entitled to
receive the legislative per diem, as defined in the Maine Revised
Statutes, Title 3, section 2, and reimbursement for travel and
other necessary expenses for their attendance at authorized
meetings of the committee.

5. The cochairs of the committee, with assistance from the
committee staff, shall administer that portion of the committee's
budget related to legislative per diem and legislative expenses.
Within 10 days after its first meeting, the committee shall
present a work plan and proposed budget to the Legislative
Council for its approval. The committee may not incur expenses
that would result in the committee's exceeding its approved

6. The committee shall submit a report that includes its
findings and recommendations including suggested legislation to
the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over business and economic development matters and
the Legislative Council by December 1, 2002. Following receipt
and review of the report, the joint standing committee of the
Legislature having jurisdiction over business and economic
development matters may report out a bill to the First Regular
Session of the 121st Legislature to implement the committee's
recommendations. If the committee requires a limited extension
of time to conclude its study and to make its report, it may
apply to the Legislative Council, which may grant the extension.

Sec. 14. Rulemaking. Rules adopted for the initial implementation
of this Act, with the exception of that part that enacts Title
32, section 1871-A, are major substantive rules as defined in the
Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A and are subject to review
by the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over business and economic development matters.
Following adoption of rules for the initial

implementation of this Act, unless otherwise specified in the
law, rules adopted to implement this Act are routine technical

Sec. 15. Appropriations and allocations. The following appropriations
and allocations are made.


Beverage Container Enforcement Fund

Initiative: Allocates funds for 2 additional Consumer
Protection Inspector positions, one additional Management
Analyst position, one additional 1/2-time Compliance Officer
position, one additional 1/2-time Clerk Typist III position and
start-up, rulemaking and operational costs necessary to
administer a licensing program for bottle redemption centers.

Other Special Revenue funds2001-022002-03

Positions - Legislative Count (0.000) (4.000)

Personal Services$0$56,994

All Other028,249









Commission to Study Reimbursement Rates for Maine's Bottle
Redemption Businesses and Other Issues Related to the Handling
and Collection of Returnable Containers

Initiative: Provides funds for the per diem and expenses of
legislative members of the Commission to Study Reimbursement
Rates for Maine's Bottle Redemption Businesses and Other Issues
Related to the Handling and Collection of Returnable

General Fund2001-022002-03

Personal Services$0$825

All Other0750








SECTION TOTALS2001-022002-03








General Fund$1,575

Other Funds85,243


Other Funds$85,243

The Legislature will require an additional General Fund
appropriation of $1,575 in fiscal year 2002-03 for the per diem
and expenses of legislative members of the Commission to Study
Reimbursement Rates for Maine's Bottle Redemption Businesses and
Other Issues Related to the Handling and Collection of Returnable

The bill requires that the State Planning Office within the
Executive Department absorb the costs of providing the staffing
needs and study costs incurred by the Commission to Study
Reimbursement Rates for Maine's Bottle Redemption Businesses and
Other Issues Related to the Handling and Collection of Returnable
Containers. In order to complete this additional requirement
within currently budgeted resources, the State Planning Office
may not be able to complete other previously budgeted

The Beverage Container Enforcement Fund program will require
an initial Other Special Revenue funds allocation of $85,243 in
fiscal year 2002-03 for 2 Consumer Protection Inspector
positions, one Management Analyst position, one 1/2-time
Compliance Officer position, one 1/2-time Clerk Typist III
position and start-up, rulemaking and operating expenses
necessary to administer a licensing program for bottle redemption
centers. The starting date for the newly established positions
is assumed to be April 1, 2003. To pay for these additional
expenses, the program will also be authorized to collect
equivalent amounts of certain registration and licensing fees to
be deposited as dedicated revenues in the Beverage Container
Enforcement Fund. In addition, the program will require
additional Other Special revenue funds allocations of $275,249
and $279,844 in fiscal years 2003-04 and 2004-05, respectively.

The additional costs associated with cooperating with other
state agencies to minimize certain registration requirements can
be absorbed by the Department of Administrative and Financial
Services utilizing existing budgeted resources.


This bill implements the recommendations of the Committee to
Study Reimbursement Rates for Maine's Bottle Redemption
Businesses and Other Issues Related to the Handling and
Collection of Returnable Containers created pursuant to Joint
Order 2001, H.P. 1389.

The bill does the following:

1. Requires the label of each type of beverage subject to the
returnable container deposit law to be registered with the
Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Resources; requires the
department to maintain a register of current beverage container
labels and to make that information available to redemption
centers; and authorizes redemption centers to refuse to accept
empty containers whose labels are not registered;

2. Requires a license from the department to initiate
deposits, operate a redemption center or act as a 3rd-party
collection agent under the law;

3. Authorizes the department to establish by rule fees for
licensing and registration; requires the fees be based on the
department's costs in implementing the law; and directs the
department to work with affected parties in developing the fees.
Departmental rules governing fees are routine technical rules;

4. Requires the department to provide education on the
requirements of the law as part of its licensing and inspection

5. Establishes a dedicated fund to pay the costs of
administration and enforcement of the law by the department. The
fund consists of licensing and registration fees charged by the
department; and

6. Reestablishes the Committee to Study Reimbursement Rates
for Maine's Bottle Redemption Businesses and Other Issues Related
to the Handling and Collection of Returnable Containers to
examine ways to improve the efficiency of the law through
redesign of the bottle redemption system, establishment of
cooperative agreements, introduction of technological
improvements or other methods. It also adds 2 additional members
to the committee.

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