LD 2181
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LD 2181 Title Page An Act to Amend the Rule-making Authority of the Department of Conservation Reg... Page 2 of 2
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Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 12 MRSA §8867-B, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 695, §1, is
amended to read:

§8867-B. Regulation of timber harvesting activities in areas

adjacent to rivers, streams, ponds, wetlands and tidal


In accordance with the purposes of chapter 206-A and Title 38,
chapter 3, no later than January 2, 2002, the Commissioner of
Conservation shall may provisionally adopt rules in accordance
with Title 5, chapter 375 to establish performance standards for
timber harvesting activities in areas adjacent to rivers,
streams, ponds, wetlands and tidal waters. The rules must
provide the maximum opportunity for flexibility that achieves the
goal of protecting the public resources while minimizing the
impact on private resources. Rules adopted pursuant to this
section are major substantive rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A and must be submitted to the
Legislature no later than January 2, 2002 for review.

In addition to the materials submitted pursuant to Title 5,
section 8072, subsection 2, upon submitting the rules authorized
by this section, the Commissioner of Conservation shall submit a
report to the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over forestry matters that describes the rationale
for new standards and the public resources and values protected
by each standard.

The rules must resolve inconsistencies among standards
established pursuant to chapter 206-A and Title 38, chapter 3,
articles 2-B and 5-A and retain standards established pursuant to
those statutes when those standards are consistent. Upon final
adoption, performance standards established pursuant to this
section apply to timber harvesting activities in areas adjacent
to rivers, streams, ponds, wetlands and tidal waters throughout
the State. The Commissioner of Conservation shall administer the
rules and enforce the standards adopted under this section.


The Department of Conservation may realize some minor savings
from the repeal of certain rulemaking requirements.

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