LD 2162
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Supplement Maine's Academic Attainment and to Retain Talent LD 2162 Title Page
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LR 3528
Item 1

residence established in the State for the purpose of
attending an accredited public or private institution of
higher education in the State is not sufficient to establish a
domiciled residence in the State.__An individual may establish
a domiciled residence in the State by providing indicia of
residency satisfactory to the Secretary of State, which may
include evidence of home ownership within the State, filing of
state income tax returns for residents or, if the applicant is
attending an accredited public institution of higher education
in the State, resident tuition bills.__When a person ceases to
maintain a domiciled residence in the State, as when the
parents of a minor move from the State, the person will
ordinarily thereafter be classified as a nonresident of the
State, but may be eligible to obtain a scholarship or
postsecondary education loan repayment in the first year after
leaving the State by establishing to the satisfaction of the
Secretary of State that the person is ineligible to obtain
financial aid provided by any other state.

2.__Credit allowed.__A resident individual or corporate
taxpayer is allowed a credit against the tax otherwise due under
this Part in the amount of 10% of the amount contributed in tax
year 2002 and in the amount of 50% of the amount contributed in a
year after tax year 2002 to a qualified scholarship organization.__
For purposes of this subsection, the contribution provided may
not directly benefit a spouse or dependent, as defined by Section
152 of the Code, of an individual taxpayer or of a director,
trustee, officer or employee of a corporate taxpayer claiming
credit.__The contribution may be made in cash, its equivalent or
in stock.__In no case may this credit reduce the tax otherwise
due under this Part to less than zero.

3.__Carry over to succeeding years.__A taxpayer entitled to a
credit under this section for any taxable year may carry over and
apply to the tax liability for any one or more of the next
succeeding 5 taxable years the portion, as reduced from year to
year, of any unused credits.

4.__Certification of scholarship organizations.__A scholarship
organization shall apply to the Secretary of State to be
certified as a qualified scholarship organization.__The Secretary
of State shall certify a scholarship organization if it files
with the Secretary of State a copy of the determination letter of
the 501(c)(3) status issued by the Internal Revenue Service and a
statement that the purposes outlined in the scholarship
organization's articles of incorporation are consistent with the
purposes set forth in subsection 1, paragraph B.__After
certification, a qualified scholarship organization shall notify
the Secretary of State within 10 days if the

Internal Revenue Service revokes its 501(c)(3) status or if it
alters its purpose so that contributors to that organization are
not eligible for a tax credit under this section.__If the
Secretary of State receives notification that a qualified
scholarship organization's 501(c)(3) status is revoked by the
Internal Revenue Service or its purposes have been altered so
that contributors to that organization are not eligible for a tax
credit under this section, the Secretary of State shall
immediately revoke the organization's certification as a
qualified scholarship organization.__A qualified scholarship
organization shall pay a penalty to the Secretary of State of
$100 for each month that it fails to notify the Secretary of
State under this subsection up to a maximum of $1,000.__The
Secretary of State and the State Tax Assessor may adopt routine
technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter
II-A to ensure compliance with this section.

5.__Recapture.__In the event that the Secretary of State
revokes the certification of a scholarship organization, there
must be added to the tax imposed on the contributor to this
scholarship organization under this Part for the taxable year in
which the revocation occurs an amount equal to the excess of the
amount of credit revoked over the amount of credit not yet taken.

6.__Annual filing with Secretary of State.__A qualified
scholarship organization shall file with the annual report
required by Title 13-B, section 1301 a statement that 95% of the
contributions to the qualified scholarship organization eligible
for a tax credit under this section was expended for at least one
of the purposes set forth in subsection 1, paragraph B.

Sec. 2. Review of policy alternatives available to Legislature in creating endowment
fund to provide scholarships. Beginning January 1, 2003 and pursuant to
legislation enacted during the Second Regular Session of the
120th Legislature to implement the recommendations of the Blue
Ribbon Commission on Postsecondary Educational Attainment, the
advisory council established to address policies related to
higher education attainment in the State shall review the policy
alternatives available to the Legislature in creating an
endowment fund for the benefit of eligible residents of the State
to meet the high cost of attending an institution of higher
education. The advisory council review must include an
examination of existing endowment programs in the State as well
as endowment programs established in other states to provide
financial assistance to eligible residents of the State enrolled
at an institution of higher education. The advisory council
shall submit a report that includes its findings and
recommendations, including any suggested legislation, to the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction
over education matters and the

Legislative Council no later than December 1, 2003. If the
advisory council requires a limited extension of time to complete
its report, it may apply to the Legislative Council, which may
grant the extension. The advisory council is not authorized to
introduce legislation. Following receipt and review of the
report, the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over education matters may report out a bill to the
Second Regular Session of the 121st Legislature.

This section takes effect only if legislation enacted during
the Second Regular Session of the 120th Legislature establishes
an advisory council to address policies related to higher
education attainment in the State.

Sec. 3. Application. That section of this Act that enacts the Maine
Revised Statutes, Title 36, section 5219-U applies to tax years
beginning on or after January 1, 2002.


This bill establishes a tax credit for individuals or
corporations that provide a contribution that promotes the
postsecondary educational attainment of Maine residents or that
promotes the migration of college-educated persons to work in
Maine. To accomplish this, the bill proposes the following.

1. It provides that contributions eligible for a tax credit
include funds contributed by an individual or corporation to a
qualified scholarship organization, which is a 501(c)(3)
corporation and is certified by the Secretary of State, whose
purpose is to provide 95% of the contribution it receives to
award student financial assistance to Maine residents to attend
institutions of higher education and to repay educational loans
of persons who migrate to the State for employment purposes.

2. It provides that contributions eligible for a tax credit
include funds contributed to provide for need-based scholarships
and the repayment of postsecondary educational loans for eligible
residents of the State, including displaced workers, who are or
will be attending a public or private institution of higher
education in the State.

3. It also provides that contributions eligible for a tax
credit include funds contributed to provide for the repayment of
postsecondary education loans for residents of the State who,
upon graduation from a public or private institution of higher
education outside of the State, return to the State to be
employed by a business or organization in the State or to be
self-employed in the State or for any person who, upon graduation
from an accredited public or private institution of higher

education outside of the State, resides in the State and is
employed by a business or organization in the State or resides in
the State and is self-employed.

4. It provides that the tax credit is 10% of the amount
contributed in tax year 2002 and 50% of the amount contributed in
the years after 2002. The credit may not reduce the
contributor's Maine income tax to less than zero.

5. It establishes that, beginning January 1, 2003 and
pursuant to legislation enacted during the Second Regular Session
of the 120th Legislature to implement the recommendations of the
Blue Ribbon Commission on Postsecondary Educational Attainment,
the advisory council established to address policies related to
higher education attainment in the State shall review the policy
alternatives available to the Legislature in creating an
endowment fund for the benefit of eligible residents of the State
to meet the high cost of attending an institution of higher
education. The advisory council shall submit a report, including
any suggested legislation, by December 1, 2003. Following
receipt and review of the report, the joint standing committee of
the Legislature having jurisdiction over education matters may
report out a bill to the Second Regular Session of the 121st

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