LD 2146
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Item 1

Sec. 3. 24-A MRSA c. 56-B is enacted to read:



§4346.__Maine Consumer Choice Health Plan

1.__Definitions.__As used in this chapter, unless the context
otherwise indicates, the following terms have the following

A.__"Board" means the Board of Directors of the Maine
Consumer Choice Health Plan established in Title 5, section
12004-G, subsection 21-B.

B.__"Director" means the Executive Director of the Maine
Consumer Choice Health Plan.

C.__"Fund" means the Maine Consumer Choice Health Plan Fund.

D.__"Plan" means the Maine Consumer Choice Health Plan
established in this section.

2.__Plan established.__The Maine Consumer Choice Health Plan
is established as an independent executive agency to negotiate
and contract with carriers to provide a choice of health benefits
coverage to eligible enrollees.

3.__Board of Directors.__The plan operates under the
supervision of the Board of Directors of the Maine Consumer
Choice Health Plan, which consists of 5 voting members.

A.__The Governor shall appoint a member representing large
employers, a member representing small employers, a member
representing governmental entities, a member representing
Medicaid-eligible individuals and a member representing the
public.__Appointments by the Governor are subject to review
by the joint standing committee of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over health insurance matters and to
confirmation by the Legislature.

B.__Initial terms of the members of the board are staggered:__
3 members serve 3-year terms and 2 members serve 2-year
terms.__After the initial terms, members serve full 2-year
terms and continue to serve until their successors have been
appointed.__Board members may serve up to 3 full terms

C.__Board members shall elect a chair.__All meetings of the
board are public proceedings within the meaning of Title 1,
chapter 13, subchapter I.

D.__Board members are entitled to reimbursement for
necessary expenses according to the provisions of Title 5,
chapter 379.

4.__Executive director.__The Executive Director of the Maine
Consumer Choice Health Plan is the administrator of the plan. The
director is appointed by the board and serves at the pleasure of
the board.

5.__Powers. The board may:

A.__Enter into contracts with qualified 3rd parties for any
service necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter;

B.__Employ necessary staff;

C.__Set reasonable fees for membership in the plan for
financing reasonable and necessary costs incurred in
administration of the plan;

D.__Approve benefit plan designs offered by participating

E.__Negotiate with participating carriers the premium rates
charged for health benefit plans offered through the plan;

F.__Provide premium collection services for health benefit
plans purchased through the plan if the carrier offering the
health benefit plan gives express written authorization to
the board or any other entity acting on behalf of the board
to act as the carrier's agent for that purpose;

G.__Establish procedures for adjusting payments within each
risk pool to participating carriers if the board finds that
some carriers have a significantly disproportionate share of
high-risk or low-risk enrollees;

H.__Establish a financial relationship directly with
producers licensed pursuant to chapter 16 to market and
service health benefits plans offered through the plan;

I.__Borrow any funds necessary, not to exceed $1,000,000,
for initial operating expenses in administering the plan;

J.__Take any legal actions necessary or proper for
recovering any penalties for, on behalf of or against the

K. Undertake activities necessary to administer the plan,
including marketing and publicizing the plan and ensuring
carrier and enrollee compliance with plan requirements; and

L.__Adopt rules as necessary to administer the plan. Rules
adopted pursuant to this paragraph are routine technical
rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

6.__Participating carriers; contracts.__The board shall
develop objective criteria for the selection of participating
carriers and provide adequate notice of the application process
to permit all carriers a reasonable and fair opportunity to
participate.__The selection of participating carriers must be
based on the criteria developed by the board.

7.__Selection of carriers; choice of health plans. The board
shall contract with a reasonable number of competing carriers to
offer multiple health plans to ensure that enrollees have a
choice among carriers and types of health benefit plans in
accordance with this subsection.

A. The plan must offer, at a minimum, a fee-for-service
plan, a managed care plan, a point-of-service plan and a
basic plan. These health benefit plans must offer a range of
deductibles, including at least one plan with a high

B.__The basic plan offered pursuant to this subsection may
exclude some or all mandated benefits for specific
conditions for certain health care services or reimbursement
for certain health care providers otherwise required
pursuant to Title 24 or this Title as approved by the
superintendent to ensure an accessible and affordable option
to enrollees.

C. The plan may offer other health benefit plan designs,
including medical savings accounts, in accordance with
applicable state or federal law.

D.__The plan may offer vision or dental plans or accidental
injury, specified disease, hospital indemnity, disability
income, Medicare supplement, long-term care or other limited
benefit health policies.

E.__The plan must require participating carriers to provide
services to enrollees in all geographic areas of the State.

8.__Enrollee eligibility.__The board may establish conditions
for enrollment and participation for enrollees in accordance with
this subsection.

A.__Enrollees must be residents of this State.

B.__Employers are eligible regardless of the number of their
employees. An employer may be a self-employed individual.__
Employers that choose to participate in the plan shall offer
enrollment to all employees and their dependents who are not
enrolled in another health plan.

C.__Governmental and municipal employers are eligible.

D.__Individuals not enrolled in another health plan may

E.__Individuals eligible for Medicaid may participate on a
voluntary basis to the extent permitted under federal and
state law or any waiver granted by the Federal Government.

F.__Conditions for eligibility may not be based on health

9.__Premiums.__The board shall establish premiums for
participation in the plan including any membership fees.__
Enrolled employers shall determine the annual amount, if any,
contributed by the employer toward the premium cost of health
coverage under the plan for employees and their dependents.__The
board shall establish a mechanism to collect premiums from
enrolled employers including remittance of the share of any
premium paid by an employee.__The board may coordinate with Maine
Revenue Services to develop a mechanism for collection of

10.__Risk pools.__The board shall develop standards for
classifying groups of participating enrollees into risk pools.
The board may establish one or more risk pools for enrolled
employees and their dependents and a risk pool for enrolled
individuals and their dependents.

11.__Licensing; regulation.__Notwithstanding any other
provision of law, the plan is not subject to licensure as an
insurer pursuant to this Title.__Carriers that contract with the
plan must be licensed pursuant to Title 24 or this Title. Health
plans offered by participating carriers must comply with all
applicable requirements of statutes and rules except as provided
in subsection 7.

12.__Marketing. The board shall approve and make available to
potential enrollees educational and marketing materials, health
benefit plan descriptions, enrollee satisfaction survey results
and comparison sheets that accurately summarize the requirements
for eligibility and the health benefit plans and premiums offered
by participating carriers in the plan.__The information provided
must enable enrollees and potential enrollees to make informed
decisions regarding their enrollment in the plan and their choice
of health benefit plan.__Participating carriers may not provide
any marketing materials to potential enrollees relating to
benefits and premiums for the plan unless authorized by the

13.__Coordination with Medicaid. The board shall maximize the
use of federal funds available through the Medicaid program to
provide health care coverage to all individuals enrolled in the
plan who are or could become eligible for Medicaid.

14.__Enrollee satisfaction survey.__On an annual basis, the
board shall develop a survey to monitor the satisfaction of
enrollees participating in the plan.__The results of the survey
must be made available to enrollees and the public.

15.__Fund. The Maine Consumer Choice Health Plan Fund is
created as a dedicated fund for the deposit of any funds borrowed
for operating expenses and fees paid by enrollees for
administration of the plan.__The fund may not lapse, but remains
in a continuing carrying account to carry out the purposes of
this chapter.

16.__Annual report.__Annually on or before February 1st, the
board shall submit a report on the operation of the plan to the
joint standing committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction
over health insurance matters. The report must include
information relating to the carriers participating in the plan;
the health benefit plans offered through the plan and their
premium rates; the total number of enrollees participating in the
plan and sorted as to employer size; and the administrative and
operating expenses of the plan.


This bill establishes the Maine Consumer Choice Health Plan as
an independent executive agency to negotiate and provide health
care coverage to residents of Maine, including individuals and

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