LD 2123
pg. 1
LD 2123 Title Page An Act to Implement the Recommendations of the Commission to Develop a Plan to ... Page 2 of 2
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LR 3447
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 28-A MRSA §2, sub-§27-A is enacted to read:

27-A.__Reselling agent.__"Reselling agent" means an agency
liquor store with a federal and state license permitting the
agency liquor store to sell spirits to a retail licensee licensed
for on-premises consumption.

Sec. 2. 28-A MRSA §453, as amended by PL 1997, c. 373, §46, is
further amended to read:

§453. Location of agency stores

1. Location requirements. The bureau may license an agency
liquor store only when the following requirements are met.

A. The proposed agency liquor store is located in a
municipality or unincorporated place that has voted in favor
of the operation of state liquor stores under local option

C. The proposed agency liquor store is not within 3.5 miles
of an existing state liquor store or an existing agency
liquor store that was licensed before May 1, 1993.

D. If a state liquor store closes, the bureau may grant
more than one agency store license in a municipality when
the bureau considers it appropriate. Agency liquor stores
licensed before May 1, 1993 that replace closed state liquor
stores are exempt from the distance requirement in paragraph

2. Replacement of state or agency liquor stores. The alcohol
bureau may not replace a state liquor store and the bureau may
not replace an existing agency liquor store that closes with a
new agency liquor store if there is another state or existing
agency liquor store within 3.5 miles. This subsection does not
prevent the bureau from locating a replacement agency liquor
store within 3.5 miles of another replacement agency liquor store
for the same town.

2-A. Replacement of state liquor stores. The bureau may
replace a closed state liquor store closed after July 1, 1990
with 3 with an agency liquor stores store if:

A. The agency stores are within a 10-mile radius of the
location of the closed state liquor store; and

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