LD 2111
pg. 1
LD 2111 Title Page An Act to Authorize County Extension Building Associations to Borrow Money ... Page 2 of 2
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LR 3432
Item 1

Be it enacted by the People of the State of Maine as follows:

Sec. 1. 7 MRSA §§196 to 199-B are enacted to read:

§196.__Building associations authorized

The county commissioners of a county or combination of 2
counties in which there is a county extension association are
authorized to form a county extension building association under
the nonprofit corporation law of the State.__A county extension
building association is a public instrumentality of the State and
a constituted authority for purposes of the United States
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, Section 103.__The purpose of a
county extension building association is to acquire, by purchase,
lease or otherwise, buildings and other real and personal
property to be used by the county extension association in
carrying out its public purposes under this chapter.

§197.__Borrowing authorized

In order to carry out its purposes, a county extension
building association is authorized by a vote of the directors to
borrow money on behalf of either or both of the county or
counties comprising the affiliated county extension association
by the issuance of bonds or notes and to grant mortgages and
security interest in its property to secure the obligations.__All
bonds or notes must be for a term not to exceed 30 years and
contain such terms and conditions as the directors of the county
extension building association may determine.__The bonds or notes
may not be an obligation of or pledge the faith and credit of the
State, any county or political subdivision other than the county
extension building association.

§198.__Other powers and authority

In addition to the powers and authority granted to a county
extension building association under this chapter, the county
extension building association has all other powers and authority
granted to nonprofit corporations under Title 13-B.

§199.__Directors chosen by county commissioners

A majority of the directors of a county extension building
association must be appointed by county commissioners of the
county or counties comprising the affiliated county extension

§199-A.__Conveyance to county

No part of the net earnings of a county extension building
association may inure to the benefit of any member, director or
officer of the county extension building association, or any

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