LD 2070
pg. 2
Page 1 of 2 An Act to Establish the Community Preservation Advisory Committee LD 2070 Title Page
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LR 3355
Item 1

community, a member who represents a fast-growing community
and a member who represents a service center community;

C.__Four members from the House of Representatives appointed
by the Speaker of the House, at least one belonging to the
political party holding the largest number of seats in the
House of Representatives and at least one belonging to the
political party holding the 2nd largest number of seats in
the House of Representatives.__When making the appointments,
the Speaker of the House shall give preference to members
from the joint standing committees of the Legislature having
jurisdiction over natural resources matters, state and local
government matters, education matters, transportation
matters, taxation matters and business and economic
development matters.__When making the appointments, the
Speaker of the House also shall consider appointing a member
who represents a rural community, a member who represents a
fast-growing community and a member who represents a service
center community;

D.__One member representing a statewide housing authority,
appointed by the President of the Senate;

E.__One member representing an environmental organization,
appointed by the Speaker of the House;

F.__Two members representing municipal interests, one who
represents rural municipal interests and one who represents
service center municipal interests, appointed by the
President of the Senate; and

G.__One member representing the real estate or development
industry, appointed by the Speaker of the House.

3.__Terms.__Except for Legislators, who serve terms coincident
with their legislative terms, all members are appointed for 3-
year terms.__A vacancy must be filled by the same appointing
authority that made the original appointment.__Appointed members
may not serve more than 2 terms.__Members may continue to serve
until their replacements are designated.

4.__Compensation.__Legislative members are entitled to receive
the legislative per diem, as defined in Title 3, section 2, and
to reimbursement for expenses according to Title 5, section
12004-I, subsection 24-F.__Public members not otherwise
compensated by their employers or other entities that they
represent are entitled to reimbursement of necessary expenses
incurred for their attendance at authorized meetings of the

5.__Quorum; actions.__A quorum is a majority of the members of
the committee.__An affirmative vote of the majority of the
members present at a meeting is required for any action.__Action
may not be considered unless a quorum is present.

6.__Chairs.__The first appointed Senate member is the Senate
chair of the committee and the first appointed House of
Representatives member is the House chair of the committee.

7.__Meetings.__The committee shall meet at least 4 times per
year and at any time at the call of the chairs or upon written
request to the chairs by at least 4 of the voting members.

8.__Staff assistance.__The office shall provide the committee
with staff assistance.__The Legislative Council may provide staff
assistance with the preparation of recommended legislation as
requested by the chairs of the committee.__The assistance
provided by the Legislative Council may be provided only when the
Legislature is not in session.

9.__Duties.__The committee shall:

A.__Submit an annual report of the committee's activities to
the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of
the House of Representatives and the joint standing
committee of the Legislature having jurisdiction over
natural resources matters by December 1st of each year;

B.__Provide assessment, advice and recommendations on
emerging policy concerns or on adjustments to existing
programs related to growth management;

C.__Review and make recommendations on the State's fiscal,
transportation, education funding, school-siting and land
use policies that affect service center communities, rural
lands and development sprawl;

D.__Review tax policy as it affects land use decisions;

E.__Provide assessment, advice and recommendations on the
role of state office buildings in the continued viability of
downtown service centers within the State and the impact of
growth-related capital investments and location decisions by
the State;

F.__Provide assessment, advice and recommendations on the
coordination of state and local urban transportation
planning and streamlining of local and state land use rules
and regulations to permit and encourage efficient
neighborhood and economic development in growth areas; and

G.__Review options for establishing a state transferable
development rights bank.

§4350-A.__Repeal date

This article is repealed June 1, 2008.


This bill implements a recommendation of the Joint Study
Committee to Study Growth Management. It establishes the
Community Preservation Advisory Committee as an ongoing entity to
advise the Governor, the Legislature and the State Planning
Office on matters relating to community preservation. The
committee membership includes the Director of the State Planning
Office, Legislators and public members. Staff is provided by the
State Planning Office and the Legislative Council at the request
of the chairs of the committee.

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