LD 2056
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variance under this section, the chief inspector may impose
limitations both of time and of use, and a continuation of the use
permitted may be conditioned upon compliance with rules made and
amended from time to time.__A copy of the decision must be sent to
all interested parties.

Sec. A-3. 32 MRSA §15108-B, as amended by PL 1999, c. 547, Pt. B,
§78 and affected by §80, is further amended to read:

§15108-B. Investigations of complaints; revocation of

license, registration or certificate

1. Investigations. The board shall investigate or cause to
be investigated all complaints made to it and all cases of
noncompliance with or violation of this chapter. Any person may
register a complaint of fraud, deceit, gross negligence,
incompetency or misconduct against any person licensed or
required to be licensed under this chapter. These complaints
must be in writing, sworn to by the person making them and filed
with the Office of Licensing and Registration.

2. Suspension; revocation. The board may suspend or revoke a
license, registration or certificate pursuant to Title 5, section
10004. The board may refuse to issue or renew a license,
registration or certificate or the District Court may suspend or
revoke a license of any licensed person, firm, partnership,
association, corporation or company who holds a license,
registration, or certificate or any applicant who is found guilty
of for a license, registration or certificate on any of the
following grounds:

A. The practice of fraud or deceit in obtaining a license,
registration or certificate;

B. Any gross negligence, incompetency or misconduct in the
licensee's job performance;

C. Operating or being in charge of a plant while under the
influence of intoxicating beverages or narcotic drugs;

D. Suffering from physical or mental incapacity of such
nature as would jeopardize physical property or lives in the
exercise of the license;

E. Operating or having charge of a plant over which the
licensee or applicant lacked authority;

F. Violating any provisions of this chapter or any rule of
the board; or

G. Conviction of a crime, subject to the limitations of
Title 5, chapter 341.

Sec. A-4. 32 MRSA §15117, first ¶, as amended by PL 2001, c. 323, §43,
is further amended to read:

Each boiler or pressure vessel used or proposed for use within
this State, except boilers or pressure vessels exempt under
section 15102, must be thoroughly inspected by the chief
inspector or one of the, a deputy inspectors inspector or an
authorized inspectors inspector, as to its design, construction,
installation, condition and operation. The board shall adopt
rules pursuant to the Maine Administrative Procedure Act
specifying the method and frequency of inspection. When any
boiler or pressure vessel inspected as specified by the board is
found to be suitable and to conform to the rules of the board,
the chief inspector shall issue to the owner or user of that
boiler or pressure vessel, upon payment of a fee to the board, an
inspection certificate for each boiler or pressure vessel. The
fee under subsection 9 must be set by the director. Inspection
certificates must specify the maximum pressure that the boiler or
pressure vessel inspected is allowed to carry. The inspection
certificate may be valid for not more than 14 months from its the
date of inspection in the case of boilers and 38 months from its
the date of inspection in the case of pressure vessels and must
be posted under glass in the engine or boiler room containing the
boiler or pressure vessel or an engine operated by it or, in the
case of a portable boiler, in the office of the plant where it is
temporarily located. The board may adopt rules setting forth
criteria by which a temporary extension of an inspection
certificate beyond 14 months in the case of boilers and beyond 38
months in the case of pressure vessels may be authorized. Rules
adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical rules
pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

Sec. A-5. 32 MRSA §15119, sub-§§2 and 3, as amended by PL 1999, c. 386,
Pt. W, §29, are further amended to read:

2. Inspection certificates. Issue, suspend and revoke
inspection certificates allowing boilers or pressure vessels to
be operated, as provided in sections 15115 and 15117, and as
provided in the Maine Administrative Procedure Act; and

3. Enforce laws and rules. Enforce the laws of the State
governing the use of boilers and pressure vessels and enforce the
rules of the board.; and

Sec. A-6. 32 MRSA §15119, sub-§5 is enacted to read:

5.__Order uninspected or unrepaired boilers and pressure
vessels out of service.__In addition to the chief inspector's
powers under section 15117, order that a boiler or pressure
vessel be taken out of service if an inspection report is not
submitted to the board within 60 days of the expiration of the
most recent certificate or if the owner fails to make repairs as
required by the board.

Sec. A-7. 32 MRSA §15120, as amended by PL 1999, c. 687, Pt. E,
§17, is further amended to read:

§15120. Authorized inspectors; duties

In addition to any deputy boiler inspectors certified and
appointed under section 15106, the The board shall, upon the
request of any company authorized to insure against loss from
explosion of boilers or pressure vessels in this State, issue to
the boiler inspectors of the company certificates of authority as
licensed authorized inspectors. Each inspector before receiving
a certificate of authority must hold a certificate as an
inspector of steam boilers for a state that has a standard of
examination equal to that of this State or a certificate from the
National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors, or its
successor organization. Licensed Authorized inspectors are not
entitled to receive a salary from, nor may any of their expenses
be paid by, the State. The continuance of a licensed an
authorized inspector's certificate is conditioned upon the
licensed authorized inspector continuing in the employ of a
boiler inspection and insurance company duly authorized and upon
maintenance of the standards imposed by this chapter. Licensed
Authorized inspectors shall inspect all boilers and pressure
vessels insured by their respective companies, and the owners or
users of those insured boilers are exempt from the payment of the
fees provided for in section 15118. Authorized inspectors may,
with the permission of the chief inspector, also inspect boilers
or pressure vessels for which an application for insurance
against loss from explosion of boilers or pressure vessels has
been made or when a new boiler or pressure vessel is installed at
an insured location and the prospective insured owner or user is
exempt from the payment of fees provided for in section 15118.
Each company employing licensed authorized inspectors shall,
within 30 days following each certificate inspection made by the
inspectors, file a report of the inspection with the chief

Sec. A-8. 32 MRSA §15121 is enacted to read:

§15121.__Duties of owners of boilers and pressure vessels

1.__Responsibility for inspection.__It is the responsibility
of the owner to arrange for an inspection of a boiler or pressure
vessel and to prepare the boiler or pressure vessel for

2.__Obtain inspection certificate.__The owner of a boiler or
pressure vessel shall obtain an inspection certificate in a
timely manner.__A late certification fee may be set by the
Director of the Office of Licensing and Registration within the
Department of Professional and Financial Regulation under section
15109, subsection 9 and must be assessed for failure to submit
the application and inspection report in a timely manner.

3.__Failure to qualify for inspection certificate.__The owner
of a boiler or pressure vessel that does not qualify for an
inspection certificate shall take the boiler or pressure vessel
out of operation until the required repairs have been made and a
new inspection certificate has been issued.

4.__Notify board when required repairs made.__The owner of a
boiler or pressure vessel shall notify the board when required
repairs have been made and provide the board with satisfactory
evidence of completion.

5.__Notify board when boiler or pressure vessel removed.__The
owner of a boiler or pressure vessel shall notify the board
within 30 days of the removal of the boiler or pressure vessel.

6.__Change of ownership.__The owner of a boiler or pressure
vessel shall notify the board of a transfer of ownership within
30 days of such a transfer.

7.__Failure to comply.__In addition to the remedies available
under this chapter, an owner of a boiler or pressure vessel who
fails to comply with the provisions of this chapter or rules
adopted by the board is subject to the provisions of Title 10,
section 8003, subsection 5 whether or not the boiler or pressure
vessel has a current inspection certificate, except that,
notwithstanding Title 10, section 8003, subsection 5, paragraph
A-1, subparagraph 3, a civil penalty of up to $3,000 may be
imposed for each violation.


Sec. B-1. 32 MRSA §15201, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 560, Pt. H, §14
and affected by §17, is amended to read:

§15201. Declaration of policy

It is the policy of the State to protect its citizens and
visitors from unnecessary mechanical hazards in the operation of
elevators and tramways and to ensure that reasonable design and
construction are used, that accepted safety devices and
sufficient personnel are provided and that periodic maintenance,
inspections and adjustments considered essential for the safe
operation of elevators and tramways are made. The primary
responsibility for design, construction, maintenance and
inspection rests with the firm, person, partnership, association
or, corporation or company that owns or operates elevators or

Sec. B-2. 32 MRSA §15202, sub-§§2-A, 4-A, 4-B, 4-C and 5-A are enacted to

2-A. Chief inspector. "Chief inspector" means an individual in
the employ of the State whose duties include the examination and
inspection of elevators and tramways and who has been designated
as chief inspector by the Commissioner of Professional and
Financial Regulation.

4-A.__Deputy inspector.__"Deputy inspector" means an
individual in the employ of the State whose duties include the
examination and inspection of elevators and tramways under the
direction of the chief inspector.

4-B.__Direct supervision. "Direct supervision" means that a
helper is working in the presence of a licensed elevator or lift
mechanic at all times.

4-C.__Director.__"Director" means the Director of the Office
of Licensing and Registration.

5-A.__Elevator contractor.__"Elevator contractor" means any
person, firm, partnership, association, corporation or company
engaged in the installation, sale, service, maintenance or
inspection of elevators in this State.

Sec. B-3. 32 MRSA §15202, sub-§7, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 560, Pt.
H, §14 and affected by §17, is repealed.

Sec. B-4. 32 MRSA §15202, sub-§§7-A and 7-B are enacted to read:

7-A. Helper. "Helper" means a person who is not licensed under
this chapter as an elevator mechanic or lift mechanic and who
assists in the installation, service or maintenance of elevators
located in this State while working under the direct supervision
of a licensed elevator mechanic or licensed lift

mechanic.__Helpers must be registered in accordance with the
provisions of this chapter.

7-B.__Licensed private elevator inspector.__"Licensed private
elevator inspector" or "licensed private elevator and lift
inspector" means an individual who has been licensed by the board
to inspect elevators pursuant to this chapter and who is not a
state employee whose duty is to inspect elevators.

Sec. B-5. 32 MRSA §15202, sub-§8, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 560, Pt.
H, §14 and affected by §17, is amended to read:

8. Licensed private tramway inspector. "Licensed private
tramway inspector" means an individual who has been licensed by
the Board of Elevator and Tramway Safety to inspect tramways
pursuant to this chapter and who is not a state employee whose
duty is to inspect tramways.

Sec. B-6. 32 MRSA §15202, sub-§12, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 560, Pt.
H, §14 and affected by §17, is repealed.

Sec. B-7. 32 MRSA §15202, sub-§14, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 560, Pt.
H, §14 and affected by §17, is amended to read:

4. Skier. "Skier" means any person while wearing skis or
using a snowboard and any person while actually on a ski slope or
trail located at a ski area for the purpose of skiing, including
a person engaged in snowboarding or cross-country, nordic or
telemark skiing.

Sec. B-8. 32 MRSA §15202, sub-§18, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 560, Pt.
H, §14 and affected by §17, is repealed.

Sec. B-9. 32 MRSA §15203, first ¶, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 560, Pt. H,
§14 and affected by §17, is amended to read:

This chapter may not be construed to prevent the use or sale
of elevators in this State that were being used or installed
prior to January 1, 1950 and that must be have been made to
conform to the rules of the board covering existing installations
and must be inspected as provided for in this chapter.

Sec. B-10. 32 MRSA §15204, as amended by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X, §3,
is further amended to read:

§15204. Appeals; variances

A person aggrieved by an order or act of the chief inspector
or the state a deputy inspector under this chapter may, within 15
days after notice of the order or act, appeal from the order or

act to the board, which shall hold a hearing pursuant to Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter IV. After the hearing, the board shall
issue an appropriate order either approving or disapproving the
order or act.

Any person who is or will be aggrieved by the application of
any law, code or rule relating to the installation or alteration
of elevators or tramways may file a petition for a variance with
the board, whether compliance with that provision is required at
the time of filing or at the time that provision becomes
effective. The filing fee for a petition for a variance must be
set by the board and may not exceed $100 must be set by the
director under section 15225-A. The board shall hold a hearing
pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter IV. The board shall
chief inspector may grant a variance if, owing to conditions
especially affecting the particular building or installation
involved, the enforcement of any law, code or rule relating to
elevators or tramways would do manifest injustice or cause
substantial hardship, financial or otherwise, to the petitioner
or any occupant of the petitioner's building or would be
unreasonable under the circumstances or condition of the
property, provided that desirable relief may be granted without
substantial detriment to the public good and without nullifying
or substantially derogating from the intent or purpose of that
law, code or rule. In exercising its powers granting a variance
under this section, the board chief inspector may impose
limitations both of time and of use, and a continuation of the
use permitted may be conditioned upon compliance with rules made
and amended from time to time. The board immediately shall send
a copy of its decision by registered mail to all interested
parties. A copy of the decision must be sent to all interested

Sec. B-11. 32 MRSA §15206, sub-§1, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt.
X, §6, is amended to read:

1. Rules. The board shall, in accordance with Title 5,
chapter 375, adopt rules to implement the purposes of this
chapter, including rules for the safe and proper construction,
installation, alteration, repair, use, operation and inspection
of elevators and tramways in the State. The rules must include
standards for the review and audit of inspections performed by
licensed private elevator inspectors not employed by the State.
The rules must conform as nearly as practicable to the
established standards as approved by the American National
Standards Institute. Rules adopted by the board under this
section are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

The board shall publish and distribute among elevator and tramway
owners, lessees, manufacturers, repair companies and others
requesting them copies of the rules as adopted by the board, at a
cost sufficient only to cover the printing and mailing expenses
of distribution, except those rules that are American National
Standards Institute standards, which must be obtained from the

Sec. B-12. 32 MRSA §15206-A, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X,
§7 and amended by c. 547, Pt. B, §78 and affected by §80, is
further amended to read:

§15206-A. Investigations of complaints; revocation of

license, registration or certificate

1. Investigations. The board shall investigate or cause to
be investigated all complaints made to it and all cases of
noncompliance with or violation of this chapter. Any person may
register a complaint of fraud, deceit, gross negligence,
incompetency or misconduct against any person licensed or
required to be licensed under this chapter. These complaints
must be in writing, sworn to by the person making them and filed
with the Office of Licensing and Registration.

2. Suspension; revocation. The board may suspend or revoke a
license, registration or certificate pursuant to Title 5, section
10004. The board may refuse to issue or renew a license,
registration or certificate or the District Court may suspend or
revoke a license, registration or certificate of any licensed
person who is found guilty of person, firm, partnership,
association, corporation or company who holds a license,
registration or certificate or any applicant for a license,
registration or certificate on any of the following grounds:

A. The practice of fraud or deceit in obtaining a license,
registration or certificate;

B. Any gross negligence, incompetency or misconduct in the
licensee's job performance;

C. Violating any provision of this chapter or any rule of
the board; or

D. Conviction of a crime, subject to the limitations of
Title 5, chapter 341.

Sec. B-13. 32 MRSA §15208, as amended by PL 1999, c. 627, §1, is
repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§15208. Examination of private elevator and lift inspectors;

licenses and renewals

The board shall set standards necessary for the licensure and
renewal of private elevator and lift inspectors.__The board may
adopt rules relating to the qualifications for licensure and
renewal of private elevator and lift inspectors, including
requirements for examination and continuing education.__Rules
adopted pursuant to this section are routine technical rules as
defined in Title 5, chapter 375, subchapter II-A.__The fee for
applications, examinations, licenses and renewals must be
established by the director pursuant to section 15225-A and Title
10, section 8003, subsection 2-A, paragraph D.__Licenses are
issued for a period of one year.

A person who is licensed as a private elevator and lift
inspector and who installs, services or sells elevator or lift
equipment may not inspect any equipment that person has
installed, serviced or sold or that was installed, serviced or
sold by that person's employer.

Sec. B-14. 32 MRSA §§15208-A and 15208-B are enacted to read:

§15208-A.__Registration of elevator contractors

Any person, firm, partnership, association, corporation or
company engaged in the installation, sale, service, maintenance
or inspection of elevators in this State shall register with the
board annually.__The registration must be submitted on a form
provided by the board and must include the names and addresses of
all licensed private inspectors, licensed mechanics and all
helpers employed by the elevator contractor.__An elevator
contractor shall notify the board of any change in the
information required under this section within 30 days of the
change.__The required fee for registration must be set by the
director under section 15225-A.

§15208-B.__Registration; helpers

All persons employed as helpers shall register annually with
the board.__The registration must be on a form provided by the
board and include the name and address of the helper and the name
and address of the helper's employer.__A person registered as a
helper shall notify the board of any change in the information
required under this section within 30 days of the change.__The
required fee for registration must be set by the director under
section 15225-A.

Sec. B-15. 32 MRSA §15209, as amended by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X, §9,
is further amended to read:

§15209. Examination of private tramway inspectors; licenses

The board shall license an applicant as a private tramway
inspector, who may perform the inspections required on tramways,
if that applicant:

1. Registration. Is a professional engineer with a current
valid registration in some state. If an applicant for a private
tramway inspector's license demonstrates to the board that the
applicant possesses more than 6 years' experience in the
construction, design, inspection and operation of tramways, this
registration requirement may be waived by the board;

2. Experience. Has considerable experience in the
construction, design or maintenance of tramways;

3. Experience in inspecting. Has 4 years' experience
inspecting tramways while working for an insurance company, a
government agency or a company performing tramway or similar
equipment inspections;

4. Capability and aptitude. Has the physical capability and
aptitude to perform the duties of a private tramway inspector in
a safe and thorough manner; and

5. Examination. Has sufficient experience and knowledge to
achieve a satisfactory rating in an examination designed to test
the applicant's knowledge of orders and principles of tramway
safety. When an applicant for a private tramway inspector's
license demonstrates more than 6 years' experience in the
construction, design, inspection and operation of tramways, the
provisions for examination must be waived.

A. The examination for a licensed private tramway inspector
must be given by the chief inspector or by 2 or more
examiners appointed by the chief inspector. The examination
must be written, in whole or in part, and must be confined
to questions the answers to which will aid in determining
the fitness and competency of the applicant for the intended
service and must be of uniform standard throughout the

B. The record of the applicant's examination must be
accessible to the applicant. The examinations must be kept
on file in the office for a period of not less than 2 years.

C. A private tramway inspector's license expires on the 3rd
anniversary date of the original issue is issued for a
period of one year. The license fee must be set by the
board and may not exceed $150 director under section 15225-

D. Applications for examination and license must be on
forms furnished by the board. The examination fee for a
private tramway inspector's license must be set by the board
and may not exceed $100 director under section 15225-A.

Sec. B-16. 32 MRSA §15209-A, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X,
§10, is amended to read:

§15209-A. Private wire rope inspectors; licenses

The board shall license an applicant as a private wire rope
inspector, who may perform the inspections required for each
tramway equipped with wire rope, if that applicant has a total of
5 years' experience in wire rope manufacture, installation,
maintenance or inspection. A private wire rope inspector's
license expires on the 3rd anniversary date of the original issue
is issued for a period of one year. The license fee must be set
by the board and may not exceed $150 director under section

Sec. B-17. 32 MRSA §15210, as amended by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X,
§11, is further amended to read:

§15210. Revocation of private tramway or elevator inspector's


The board may revoke a private tramway, elevator or lift
inspection license or remove inspection endorsements from an
elevator or lift mechanic's license for the following causes:

1. Failure to submit true reports. For failure to submit
true reports concerning the conditions of a tramway or elevator
or for conduct determined by the board to be contrary to the best
interests of tramway or elevator safety or the board; or

2. Physical infirmities. For physical infirmities that
develop to a point at which it appears that an inspector or
mechanic is no longer able to perform the required duties in a
thorough and safe manner.; or

3.__Failure to comply with chapter or rules.__Failure to
comply with any provision of this chapter or any rule adopted by
the board.__Rules adopted by the board pursuant to this chapter
are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5, chapter 375,
subchapter II-A.

Sec. B-18. 32 MRSA §15211, as amended by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X, §12
and amended by c. 547, Pt. B, §78 and affected by §80, is further
amended to read:

§15211. Notice of accidents

Each elevator or tramway accident caused by equipment failure,
resulting in injury to a person or in substantial damage to
equipment, must be reported by the owner or lessee to the chief
inspector in accordance with the board's rules. When an elevator
or tramway accident occurs, the inspection certificate for the
involved elevator or tramway must may be summarily revoked in
accordance with Title 5, section 10004, pending decision on any
application with the District Court for a further suspension.

Sec. B-19. 32 MRSA §15212, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 560, Pt. H, §14
and affected by §17, is amended to read:

§15212. Examination of accidents

The board chief inspector may examine or cause to be examined
the cause, circumstances and origin of all elevator or tramway
accidents within the State. Upon request, the board chief
inspector shall furnish to the proper district attorney the names
of witnesses and all information obtained.

Sec. B-20. 32 MRSA §15213, as amended by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X,
§13, is further amended to read:

§15213. Elevator or lift mechanics; license; definition

A person may not service, repair, alter or install any
elevator unless that person is licensed as an elevator or lift
mechanic under sections 15214 and 15216 this chapter. Elevator
work in industrial plants, manufacturing plants and hospitals may
be performed by plant personnel who are not licensed under
sections 15214 and 15216 if the work is supervised by the plant
engineer and performed in compliance with rules adopted by the

A licensed elevator or lift mechanic may not service or repair
an elevator or lift that does not have a current inspection
certificate unless those repairs are being made as required by an
initial elevator inspection or to correct violations noted in an
inspection report.

The word "elevator," as used in this section and sections
15214 and 15216 chapter, includes all electrical equipment,
wiring, steelwork and piping in the elevator machine room,
hoistway and pit pertaining to the operation and control of an
elevator, except power feeders and required power equipment up to

the control panel, heating, lighting, ventilation and drainage

Sec. B-21. 32 MRSA §15214, as amended by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X,
§14, is further amended to read:

§15214. Issuance; qualifications

The board shall issue an elevator or lift mechanic's license
to any applicant who has at least 2 years' experience in the
service, repair, alteration or installation of elevators and
lifts while employed by an elevator company, or has equivalent
experience as defined by rules of the board, and satisfactorily
passes the examination provided for in meets the requirements
established pursuant to section 15216.

A licensed elevator or lift mechanic may not have more than 2
helpers under direct supervision. These helpers need not be
licensed must be registered with the board as required by section

A licensed elevator or lift mechanic shall comply with the
elevator rules of this State provisions of this chapter and the
rules adopted by the board.__Rules adopted pursuant to this
section are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

Sec. B-22. 32 MRSA §15215, as amended by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X,
§15, is repealed.

Sec. B-23. 32 MRSA §15216, as amended by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X,
§16, is repealed and the following enacted in its place:

§15216.__Examination of elevator or lift mechanics;

applications; licenses; renewals

The board shall set standards necessary for the licensure and
renewal of elevator or lift mechanics.__The board may adopt rules
relating to the qualifications for licensure and renewal of
elevator or lift mechanics, including requirements for
examination and continuing education.__Rules adopted pursuant to
this section are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.__The fee for applications,
examinations, licenses and renewals must be established by the
director pursuant to section 15225-A and Title 10, section 8003,
subsection 2-A, paragraph D.__Licenses are issued for a period of
one year.

Sec. B-24. 32 MRSA §§15216-A and 15216-B, as enacted by PL 1999, c.
386, Pt. X, §17, are repealed.

Sec. B-25. 32 MRSA §15216-C, as enacted by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X,
§17, is amended to read:

§15216-C. License renewal

Any license issued under this chapter is automatically
renewable upon satisfaction of the applicable requirements for
renewal and payment of the renewal fee as set forth in this
chapter required fee set by the director under section 15225-A.
The expiration dates for licenses issued under this chapter may
be established at such other times as the commissioner may
designate. The board shall notify persons licensed under this
chapter of the date of expiration of the license and the fee
required for its renewal for a 3-year period. The notice must be
mailed to the person's last known address at least 30 days in
advance of the expiration date of the license.

A license may be renewed up to 90 days after the date of its
expiration upon payment of a late fee of $10 in addition to the
renewal fee. Any person who submits an application for renewal
more than 90 days after the license expiration date is subject to
all requirements governing new applicants under this chapter,
except that the board may in its discretion waive the examination
and other requirements. The board may levy penalties for
nonrenewal in an amount not to exceed $100. Notwithstanding any
other provision of this chapter, the board shall waive the
examination if a renewal application is made within 90 days after
separation from the United States Armed Forces, under conditions
other than dishonorable, by a person who failed to renew that
person's license because that person was on active duty in the
Armed Forces; except that the waiver of examination may not be
granted if the person served a period of more than 4 years in the
Armed Forces, unless that person is required by some mandatory
provision to serve a longer period and that person submits
satisfactory evidence of this mandatory provision to the board.

Sec. B-26. 32 MRSA §15221, as amended by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X, §18
and amended by c. 547, Pt. B, §78 and affected by §80, is further
amended to read:

§15221. Inspection of elevators and tramways

1. Fees; inspection certificate. Each elevator or tramway
proposed to be used within this State must be thoroughly
inspected by either the chief inspector, a state deputy inspector
or a licensed private elevator or tramway inspector and, if found
to conform to the rules of the board, the board shall issue to
the owner or user an inspection certificate. Fees for inspection
and certification of elevators and tramways must be set by the

board pursuant to section 15225 director under section 15225-A
and must be paid by the owner or user of the elevator or tramway.
The certificate must specify the maximum load to which the
elevator or tramway may be subjected, the date of its issuance
and the date of its expiration. The elevator certificate must be
posted in the elevator and the tramway certificate at a
conspicuous place in the machine area.

2. Scheduled inspections. A state inspector or licensed
elevator inspector shall inspect every elevator on a schedule
determined by the board. The schedule must be based on the class,
size and usage of the elevator. A state inspector or licensed
tramway inspector shall inspect every tramway twice each year.
The owner of an elevator shall have the elevator inspected
by a licensed private elevator inspector, the chief inspector or
a deputy inspector.__The owner of a tramway shall have the
tramway inspected by a licensed private tramway inspector, the
chief inspector or a deputy inspector twice each year. One
tramway inspection must be made when weather conditions permit a
complete inspection of all stationary and moving parts. The 2nd
tramway inspection must be made while the tramway is in

3. Temporary suspension of inspection certificate;
condemnation card. When, in the inspector's opinion, the
elevator or tramway can not continue to be operated without
menace to the public safety, the chief inspector or state deputy
inspector may temporarily suspend an inspection certificate in
accordance with Title 5, section 10004 and post or direct the
posting of a red card of condemnation at every entrance to the
elevator or tramway. The condemnation card is a warning to the
public and must be of such type and dimensions as the board
determines. The suspension continues, pending decision on any
application with the District Court for a further suspension.
The condemnation card may be removed only by the inspector
posting it or by the chief inspector.

4. Special certificate; special conditions. When, upon
inspection, an elevator or tramway is found by the inspector to
be in reasonably safe condition but not in full compliance with
the rules of the board, the inspector shall certify to the chief
inspector the inspector's findings and the chief inspector may
issue a special certificate, to be posted as required in this
section. This certificate must set forth any special conditions
under which the elevator or tramway may be operated.

5. Inspection reports. Licensed private tramway and elevator
inspectors shall submit inspection reports to the board owner on
a form provided by the board for all inspections within 15
working days from the date of the inspection.

6. Follow-up inspections. All follow-up inspections
necessary to enforce compliance must be performed by either the
chief inspector or a state deputy inspector. A fee as set forth
in section 15225 set by the director under section 15225-A must
be charged for those follow-up inspections.

7.__Certificate not transferable.__An inspection certificate
may not be transferred to any other person, firm, corporation or
association.__If ownership of an elevator or tramway is
transferred, the new owner must apply for a new inspection
certificate as required by section 15229, subsection 7.

Sec. B-27. 32 MRSA §15223, as enacted by PL 1995, c. 560, Pt. H, §14
and affected by §17, is amended to read:

§15223. Certificate required

The Notwithstanding Title 17-A, section 4-B, subsection 3 and
section 1301, the owner, lessee or agent of an elevator or
tramway who operates that elevator or tramway without an a
current and valid inspection certificate displayed commits a
Class E crime and, notwithstanding Title 17-A, sections 1252 and
1301, must be punished by a fine of not more than $50 $100 for
each day of illegal operation.

Sec. B-28. 32 MRSA §15224, as amended by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X,
§19, is further amended to read:

§15224. Installation of new elevators and tramways; fees

Detailed plans or specifications of each new or altered
elevator or tramway must be submitted to and approved by the
chief inspector before the construction may be started. Fees for
examination of the plans or specifications must be $5 per $1,000
of the valuation of the elevator or tramway as covered by the
blueprints set by the director under section 15225-A. The minimum
fee may not be less than $35 and the maximum fee may not be more
than $100.

Sec. B-29. 32 MRSA §15225, as amended by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X,
§20, is repealed.

Sec. B-30. 32 MRSA 15225-A is enacted to read:


The director, pursuant to Title 10, section 8003, subsection
2-A, paragraph D, may establish by rule fees authorized under

this chapter in amounts that are reasonable and necessary for
their respective purposes, subject to the following limitations.

1.__Annual inspection or special inspection of elevators; fee.
The fee for each annual or special inspection of elevators may
not exceed $100, plus $10 for each landing.

2.__Annual inspection of tramways; fee. The annual fee for the
required inspections of tramways may not exceed $200.

3.__Application fee.__The fee for an application may not
exceed $25.

4.__Examination.__The fee for examination for licensure may
not exceed $100.

5.__Initial inspection of elevators. The initial inspection of
elevators must be made by the chief inspector or a deputy
inspector or the commissioner's designee, and the fee for the
initial inspection of each new or altered elevator may not exceed
$500, plus expenses.

6.__Initial inspection of tramways; fee. The initial
inspection of tramways must be made by the chief inspector or a
deputy inspector or the commissioner's designee or a licensed
private tramway inspector and the fee for the initial inspection
of each new or altered tramway may not exceed $500, plus

7.__Inspection certificate fee. The inspection certificate fee
may not exceed__$100.

8.__Late inspection certificate fee.__The late inspection
certificate fee may not exceed $250.

9.__License or registration.__The fee for licensure may not
exceed $100 per year.

10.__Renewal of license, registration or inspection
certificate.__The fee for renewal of a license, registration or
inspection certificate may not exceed $100 per year.

11.__Review of plans.__The fee for review of elevator plans
may not exceed $5 per $1,000 of valuation as covered by the
blueprints, except that the minimum fee for a review may not be
less than $35 and the maximum fee may not be more than $100.

The fee for any other authorized purpose not specified in this
section may not exceed $100.__Rules adopted pursuant to this
section are routine technical rules as defined in Title 5,
chapter 375, subchapter II-A.

Sec. B-31. 32 MRSA §15226, as amended by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt. X,
§21, is further amended to read:

§15226. Reports by inspectors

A state deputy inspector or licensed private inspector shall
make a full report to the chief inspector, giving all data
required by the rules adopted by the board and shall report to
the chief inspector and to the owner or lessee all defects found
and all noncompliances with the rules. When any serious
infraction of the rules is found by a state deputy inspector or
licensed private inspector and that infraction is, in the opinion
of the
inspector, dangerous to life, limb or property, the inspector
shall report that infraction immediately to the chief inspector.

Sec. B-32. 32 MRSA §15227, sub-§2, as amended by PL 1999, c. 386, Pt.
X, §22, is further amended to read:

2. Free access to premises or location. To provide free
access for state deputy inspectors, including the chief
inspector, at all reasonable times to any premises in the State
where an elevator or tramway is installed or is under
construction for the purpose of ascertaining whether that
elevator or tramway is installed, operated, repaired or
constructed in accordance with this chapter;

Sec. B-33. 32 MRSA §15227, sub-§§3, 4 and 5, as enacted by PL 1995, c.
560, Pt. H, §14 and affected by §17, are amended to read:

3. Supervise inspectors. To allocate and supervise the work
of state deputy inspectors;

4. Certificates. To issue and temporarily suspend
certificates allowing elevators and tramways to be operated
pursuant to Title 5, chapter 375; and

5. Examinations. To hold examinations and establish the
fitness of applicants to become licensed private elevator or
tramway inspectors or elevator mechanics, and to issue
certificates or licenses to those persons who have successfully
passed required examinations and been approved by the board as
licensed private elevator or tramway inspectors or elevator
mechanics.; and

Sec. B-34. 32 MRSA §15227, sub-§6 is enacted to read:

6.__Take uninspected or unrepaired elevators and tramways out
of service.__To take an elevator or tramway out of service in
accordance with Title 5, section 10004 if an inspection report
has not been submitted to the board within 60 days of the
expiration of the most recent certificate or if the owner has
failed to make repairs as required by the board.__This power is
in addition to the chief inspector's powers under section 15221,
subsection 3.

Sec. B-35. 32 MRSA §15229 is enacted to read:

§15229.__Duties of owners of elevators or tramways

1.__Owner responsibility.__The responsibility for design,
construction, maintenance and inspection of an elevator or
tramway rests with the person, firm, partnership, association,
corporation or company that owns the elevator or tramway.

2.__Obtain inspection certificate.__The owner of an elevator
or tramway shall submit an annual application for an annual
inspection certificate together with the inspection report within
30 business days of the inspection and prior to the expiration of
the current certificate.__The application must be on a form
provided by the board and must be accompanied by the required fee
set by the director under section 15225-A. A late fee set by the
director under section 15225-A may be assessed for failure to
submit the application and inspection report in a timely manner.

3.__Failure to qualify for inspection certificate.__The owner
of an elevator that does not qualify for an inspection
certificate shall take the elevator out of operation until the
required repairs have been made and a new inspection certificate
has been issued.

4.__Notify board when required repairs made.__The owner of an
elevator or tramway shall notify the board when required repairs
have been made and provide the board with satisfactory evidence
of completion.

5.__Elevator declared idle or placed out of service.__The
owner of an elevator that has been declared idle or placed out of
service in accordance with rules adopted by the board shall
notify the board within 30 days of declaring the elevator idle.

6.__Removal.__The owner of an elevator or tramway shall notify
the board within 30 days of the removal of the elevator or

7.__Change of ownership. The owner of record of an elevator or
tramway shall notify the board of a transfer of ownership of

an elevator within 30 days of such transfer. The new owner shall
apply, on a form provided by the board, for a new inspection
certificate that will be issued without the need for an
additional inspection for the remainder of the term of the
current certificate. A fee for issuance of a new inspection
certificate may be set by the director under section 15225-A.

8.__Failure to comply.__In addition to the remedies available
under this chapter, an owner who fails to comply with the
provisions of this chapter or rules adopted by the board is
subject to the provisions of Title 10, section 8003, subsection 5
whether or not the elevator or tramway has a current inspection
certificate, except that, notwithstanding Title 10, section 8003,
subsection 5, paragraph A-1, subparagraph 3, a civil penalty of
up to $3,000 may be imposed for each violation.

Sec. B-36. Transition. In order to accomplish the transition from
licenses issued for a 3-year period to licenses issued for a one-
year period, the license or renewal fee assessed will be 1/3 of
the fee for a 3-year license until annual license and renewal
fees can be adopted by the Director of the Office of Licensing
and Registration pursuant to the Maine Revised Statutes, Title
10, section 8003, subsection 2-A, paragraph D and Title 32,
section 15225-A.


Part A of the bill amends the laws governing boiler and
pressure vessels to:

1. Provide the chief inspector with the authority to grant
variances and to provide any party aggrieved by an order or act
of the chief inspector or a deputy inspector with the right to
appeal from the order or act to the Board of Boilers and Pressure

2. Provide the chief inspector with the ability to take a
boiler or pressure vessel out of service if the owner has failed
to have it inspected in a timely fashion or has failed to make
required repairs;

3. Clarify that it is the owner's responsibility to have a
boiler or pressure vessel inspected in a timely manner;

4. Clarify the existing duties of owners of boilers and
pressure vessels, including that it is the owner's responsibility
to have a boiler or pressure vessel inspected in a timely fashion
and establish additional requirements, such as a requirement that

the board must be notified when a unit is removed or when
required repairs have been completed;

5. Clarify that the board has the authority to adopt rules to
implement the purposes of the chapter;

6. Clarify that an insurance company inspector may inspect a
boiler or pressure vessel not insured by that company if it is in
connection with an application for insurance or when a new unit
is installed at an insured location; and

7. Make technical and conforming changes, including changes
necessary to conform the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 32,
chapter 131 with the provisions of Public Law 1999, c. 687, which
provided the Director of the Office of Licensing and Registration
with the authority to establish fees for authorized purposes
through rulemaking.

Part B of the bill amends the laws governing elevators and
tramways to:

1. Provide the chief inspector with the ability to take an
elevator out of service if the owner has failed to have the
elevator inspected in a timely fashion or has failed to make
required repairs;

2. Clarify the duties and responsibilities of elevator and
tramway owners, including the responsibility to obtain an
inspection certificate, have the elevator inspected on an annual
basis, notify the Board of Elevator and Tramway Safety when
required repairs have been made, notify the Board of Elevator and
Tramway Safety when ownership of a unit changes and notify the
board when a unit is removed or no longer in use.

3. Provide the chief inspector with the authority to grant
variances, subject to the existing right of any party aggrieved
by an order or act of the chief inspector or a deputy inspector
with the right to appeal from the order or act to the board;

4. Clarify the board's ability to fine an owner or operator
for failure to comply with the requirements of the chapter;

5. Strengthen the administrative remedies available against
owners who fail to comply with the applicable statutes by giving
the board the ability to assess fines of up to $3,000 per

6. Change the terms of licenses issued by the board from a 3-
year term to a one-year term and provide the board with the

authority to adopt standards through rulemaking for licensure,
renewal and continuing education of elevator and lift mechanics;

7. Prohibit licensed elevator mechanics from repairing
elevators that do not have current inspection certificates unless
the repairs are to correct violations noted in an inspection

8. Prohibit a licensed private elevator inspector from ever
inspecting an elevator that he or she sold, serviced or installed
or that was sold, serviced or installed by the inspector's

9. Change the license name of licensed elevator inspectors to
differentiate private inspectors from state-employed inspectors;

10. Require elevator contractors and helpers to register with
the board;

11. Clarify that the board has the authority to adopt rules
to implement the purposes of the chapter; and

12. Make technical and conforming changes, including changes
necessary to conform the Maine Revised Statutes, Title 32,
chapter 133 with the provisions of Public Law 1999, c. 687, which
provided the Director of the Office of Licensing and Registration
with the authority to establish fees for authorized purposes
through rulemaking.

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